Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
The main objective of our DRS investigations is optimisation 
and homogenisation for relief shading of Mars image maps 
derived from HRSC data. So far the presented results are the 
outcome of our first yet most important development, viz. 
fine-tuned shape from shading modelling of the Martian sur- 
face DEM derived from elsewhere. Inspite of the still rudi- 
mentary and simplified stage of our studies, the results con- 
firm the considerable refinement potential of SFS for an ap- 
proximate DEM. In particular, after future removal of the 
main deficiencies in our approach, e.g., failure to comply 
with shadow extraction, space-variant stochastic elevation 
model, partial space-variant albedo, a further stabilization 
and improvement for the DEM may be expected. 
The refined DEM can then be exposed to artificial illumina- 
tion for the purpose of obtaining uniform relief shading of 
mosaicked ortho-images. For small scale MOC imagery this 
may already be done now. E.g., the MOC scene in Fig. 2 is 
shown again in Fig. 4, viz. as scene radiance derived from the 
SFS-refined DEM (Fig. 2e) with different illumination direc- 
tions. Fig. 4a represents the surface under illumination from 
south-west, Fig. 4b from north-east. Note the relief inversion 
in Fig. 4a, an effect that has to be avoided by all means (op- 
timisation of relief shading). 
Fig. 4b 
Figure 4. Artificial relief shading of MOC scene 
This work was supported by the German Ministry for Educa 
tion and Research (BMBF) under Contract 500M0102 via 
the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Project Administration. 
The authors are very grateful to the Co-Investigator Team 
members Marita Wählisch and Frank Scholten of the DLR 
Institute for Planetary Research both for their frequent advice 
and unselfish help in producing and preparing suitable data 
for our research work. Special thanks go to our students 
Bernd Jeschke and Jórg Renter who have made small yet im- 
portant contributions to the software development. We are 
particularly indebted to Alexander Kerimov of the Troitzk In- 
stitute for Earth Magnetism and lonosphere of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN) for his advice and help in 
matters of optimisation theory. 
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