Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
Table1 Data File | 
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| Log File 
DB Meta 
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Home | Databases 
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4 Log E 
Figure 6. Directory Structure 
4.3 MORow Object and MOPage Object 
In Figure 7, it shows the structure of MORow object. It is 
composed of MOID (Moving Object IDentifier), Length (the 
number of locations stored in it), MBR (Minimum Bounding 
Rectangle of the locations), From (time that first location in it is 
acquired) and To (time that last location in it is acquired). 
Therefore, the MORow object represents a trajectory of a moving 
object from From time to To time. 
MOR ow 
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Figure 7. MORow Structure 
The MOPage is similar to MORow. That is file structure to store 
locations to file, just as MORow is memory structure. It shows the 
structure of MOPage object in Tablel 1. if the DataLength of a 
MORow is equal to the MaxDataLength, then all of the locations in 
the MORow object to be store into physical file permanently by 
MOPage. MaxDataLength is estimated by PageSize. 
Table 1. MOPage Structure 
urrentPageLinkCurrent Page Pointer 
PrevPageLink Preview Page Pointer with same MOID 
NextPageLink [Next Page Pointer with same MOID 
MOID Moving Object Identifier 
DataLength [The number of locations stored in it 
MBR Min Bounding Rectangle of Locations in Page 
FromTime time that first location in page 
ToTime time that last location in page 
MOTLocations | DataLength-MOTLocations 
5.1 Connect Manager 
When client could connect File-based Storage System with IP and 
Port, Connection Manager returns Simple Query Processor. 
Connection Manager is module which providers connection 
information of that Simple Query Processor. It has function to 
connect with client by opening channel, to active SQP processing 
client's request. 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
5.2 5.2 Simple Query Processor 
Simple Query Processor has a function to access to client. to 
analyze the query requested by client, to process analyzing query 
using Buffer Manager and Data Manager. Main function of Simple 
Query Processor is like table X. therefore, it do create table, delete 
table, insert MORow, search locations with multifarious option. 
public string CreateTable(string tableName) A 
public string DeleteTable(string tableName) 
public bool InsertRow(MORow moRow) 
public void Delete(MOID id) 
public IEnumerator IDSearch() 
public IEnumerator IDSearch(MOID][] ids) 
public IEnumerator IDSearch(MOID[] ids, MOPeriod period) 
public IEnumerator Search_PrevMOTLocation(MOID id. 
MOTime Time, int num) 
public IEnumerator Search NextMOTLocation(MOID id, 
MOTime Time, int num) 
Figure 8. Function of Simple Query Processor 
5.3 Buffer Manager 
Buffer Manager which is composed of a set of MORow objects is 
using hash-table. The key of hash-table is MOID. And the number 
of Buffer Manager is equal to the number of table. Each Buffer 
Manager is connected to File Manager (Log, Meta, Location, 
Index ) like Figure 5. It manages recently Location Information for 
time interval by MOID. 
5.4 Location Manager 
Location Manager is module to store MORow that is set of 
locations into physical file permanently by MOPage. And it do 
retrieve physical file by MOPage. Data file is composing of Head 
Block and Body Block like Table 2. Head Block is composed like 
Table2. Head Block is information about location data file. And In 
Figure 9, we show the default function of Log Manager. For 
example, the function of LocalCreateDataFile create data file, the 
function of write store MOPage. And besides it support the 
function to retrieve by the various conditions. 
Table 2. Data file Structure 
eaderSize e size of HeadBlock 
ersion e version of file 
ileID File Identifier 
€ number of Page 
ax e max number of locations stored in a Pa 
eSize e size of Page(by byte) 
Pointer that is updated lastly 
age Pointer that is deleted 
R in Bounding Rectangle of Locations in file 
Time ime that first location in file 
oTime ime that last location in file 
MOPages ct of MOPage 

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