Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
provide geo-spatial service. There are 17 topics in the referencing to image coordinates, raster coordinates, Th 
OGC abstract specification (see Table 1). Figure 5 and indirect referencing systems that are not found in [st 
shows the relationship. Geodesy texts. Topic 8 provides for the modeling and an 
exposure of relationships between features. Topic 11 pre 
No. Name provides for the modeling and querying of metadata. 
Topic 0 Abstract Specification Overview Each of these topics is essential before any geospatial Bet 
Topic 1 Feature Geometry information is shared. We 
Topic 2 Spatial Reference System qua 
Topics Locational Cem Ste Topic 4, on Stored Functions, is necessary to support 
Topic 4 Stored Functions and Interpolation : b 7 By 
Toe i The OpenGIS™ Feature Topic 6, Coverages. Most Coverages depend on two pr 
Topic 6 The Coverage Type stored functions. The functions map respectively “to” = 
Topic 7 Earth Imagery Case and "from" a mathematical coordinate space called the Fra 
Topic 8 Relationships between Features Coverage Extent, or a Spatial Domain. feel 
Topic 9 Quality ig 
Topic 10 Feature Collection Topics 12,13, 15 and 16 are concerned with providing sa 
Topic 11 Metadata geospatial services. The remainder is centered on con 
Topic 12 Tüe OpenGIS Services sharing geospatial information. Topic 12 specifies a Set 
Topic 13 Catalog Exploitation Eu. dat 
Topic 14 - | Semantics and Information communities comprehensive s of geospatial Services. Tonics 13; Is mal 
Topic 15 [Image Exploitation Services and 16 describe, in greater detail, specific categories of 
Topic 16 | Image Coordinate Transformation Services geospatial service. E: 
Table 1 Abstract Specification 
3.1.2 Implementation Specification 
The abstract specifications (interface and protocol) 
To = ne Relations UH constituted by OGC provide solutions for geographic 
Geometry Systems [~ Geometry |—]Bet'u Features data interoperability based on Internet, wireless 
Le 5 | communications, LBS and main-stream information 
Fernie Topic 14 Topic 9 technology, meeting the demand of all applications. 
Collections seme | Quality However, these specifications can only be AL 
bd implementation specifications by programming, testing, 
Topic 4 Stored | Topic 5 modifying and perfecting. The accomplished E 
Foe sd dier ua specifications include Simple Feature Access 
Pre The Open GIS Specification for OLE/COM, Simple Feature Access 
Topic 6 Se Arc Specification for CORBA, Simple Feature Storage | ( 
eer ID Topic Is Tu T Specification for SQL, Catalogue Interface, Grid 
T Catalog hmage Expl | | Image Coord Coverage, Coordinate Transformation Service, Web 
Topic 7 Series guess | [Tramst Service; Map Server Interface, Web Feature Service Interface, . 
Est Imagery Web Coverage Service Interface, GML and so on. H 
Figure 5 Abstract Specification Topic Dependencies 3.2 International Standard for Geographic Information = 
: = : 3.2.1 Study Status of International Standard for Geographic ( 
The relations of these topics are shown in Fig. 5. Topics Information a 
5, 6, and 7 are centered on sharing geospatial ^ According to the real requirements of geographic ET 
information. These topics are the OpenGISTM Feature, ^ information  industrialization, the international ; 
the Coverage Type, and Earth Imagery. Each of these standardization organization founded ISO/TC211 in LT 
topics (5,6 and 7) is fundamentally concerned with the 1994, being specifically responsible for the study and S 
handling and exposing of Geospatial information, ^ constitution of geographic information standards. By m 
whether it is modeled using Features With Geometry, May 8, 2004, there were 57 members (countries and : 
Coverages, or with the Imagery information type. areas), among which 28 have the right to vote 1 
(P-Member), 29 are observation members (O-Member). + 
Topics 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11 directly support topics 5, 6, In addition, there are 22 external liaison members 
and 7. Topic 1 provides the Geometry structures for (outside ISO), such as OGC and DGIWG; and 11 5 
Features With Geometry. Topics 2 and 3 deal with the internal liaison members (within ISO), such as a 
same subject (geo-location), but in two different — ISO/TEC. 3 
technology domains. Topic 2 provides the Spatial : 
Reference Systems by which features are related to E 
positions on the surface of the Earth in the discipline of C 
Geodesy. Topic 3 adds tools for providing geospatial 8 

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