Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
with the existence of larger information volumes and a better 
technical infrastructure at the various administrative offices the 
conversion steps should become obsolete using the OGC 
concepts of interoperability via WMS/WFS middleware 
mentioned before. 
4.3 Technical realisation and effort 
The implementation of the Internet-GIS took place on the basis 
of the UMN Map Server. The human interface was realised in 
HTML. One specific selection menu was programmed in 
JavaScript for the improvement of clarity. The Internet-GIS is 
separated into two levels, the county level and the municipality 
level. At both levels of the Internet-GIS the following basic 
functions are available: 
— Zoom in different gradation and with fixed number of 
— Pan by clicking into the image 
—  Thematical data queries 
— Reference map in the background 
— Switching on and off of thematic layers 
— Scale bar 
— Presentation of thematical data of the current view, 
starting from certain zoom stages. 
The Internet application starts for both levels with an overview 
map of the entire county Bad Doberan (see fig. 2). Beside the 
administrative borders of the municipalities further data sets to 
be used on the county level are integrated here. Typical map 
scales presented here are in the range of 1:2.500 to 1:50.000. 
Topographic raster maps are presented in the background. 
Thematic data are for instance maps on contaminated sites or 
maps on natural monuments. Within the Internet environment at 
the county level other departments may use these data, in future 
they might be interested and might technically. have the 
feasibility to publish their own data on that level. This Internet- 
GIS solution should later become a standard for querying 
interdisciplinary data sets on the county level. This could 
reduce redundancies, make information flows transparent and 
avoid paper and digital copies between the different specialised 
offices in the counties administration. At this level data security 
or data protection are not such critical. Later this level might 
also be used as a starting point for a citizen information system 
for the whole county. 
‚3 Prototyp des Internet MapServers der Kreisverwaltung Amt Dobetan - Microsoft Intemet Explorer cosy 
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Figure 2: Human interface prototype on county level 
From this county level the individual communes participating 
of this Internet-GIS are also starting. Just by clicking in the 
menu or selecting the communes name in the menu the user 
reaches the municipality level. At this level data protection is 
getting very important By user name and password only 
allowed user can reach this protected level. There are quite 
simple reasons for that higher protection level: Cadastral data 
on ownership are protected by law, only user such as the owner 
or collaborators of the administrative offices are allowed to see 
property data. 
Within the protected range for the representatives of the 
municipality again the Internet-GIS starts with an overview 
map of the commune showing municipality borders and further 
administrative subdivisions of the commune such as meadow 
borders. For special users at municipality level different views 
may be generated. 
In a cadastral shell we offer the land register data ALK/ALB 
(parcels and buildings, land usage). Beside the vector data of 
the ALK we embedded the scanned cadastral maps as raster 
data just to show that dependent on the different status of the 
data acquisition in the communes one can easily start with the 
raster data and exchange this step by step as vector data. Simply 
by querying the ALK data of individual parcels or buildings at 
the appropriate zoom level the user retrieves the information of 
the ALB. The query results on the ALB are prepared in a 
questionnaire exactly of the same layout, format and design the 
user would see when working with analogue data. This pdf- 
document is created with Pdf Lib in different variants with or 
without specific ownership information. Exemplarily the 
internal forms 30 and 35 of the land registry were realised. 
Using the icons in the menus at the top margin of the map 
display the user can jump directly into the representation of 
certain detailed information on cadastral level. This is realised 
using on the one hand the address of the buildings in the ALK 
and on the other hand taking the meadows name and/or parcel 
At this step we fulfil nearly all demands an official user at the 
municipality level would require, i.e. the local administration 
officer no longer needs a stand-alone GIS simply for querying 
ownership information from the cadastral office. Without any 
additional costs (hardware/software) and additional efforts (data 
conversion, training etc.) he is now able to query the cadastral 
data using his standard web browser. This is a major benefit for 
the municipalities exchequer. 
In the topographic section we integrated topographic maps at 
scale 1:25.000 as raster map and georeferenced aerial 
photographs with a ground resolution of approximately 30cm. 
With our low-cost flight system PFIFF the images may be 
captured on demand. Thus the topicality is very good. In many 
use cases, especially for planning and topographical purposes, 
this image data set may replace the official cadastral map. 
In the planning section the generic zoning plan (scale 1:5.000 to 
1:25.000 dependent on the communes size) and the detailed 
individual zoning plans of the municipalities, usually in a scale 
of 1:2.500 to 1:1.000, are simply visualised by their borders and 
a text placement. The scanned and georeferenced detailed 
zoning plan is integrated here as a raster data set and is selected 
for visualisation by just clicking on the text annotation. If this 
plan is available in vector format it could also be embedded. In 
addition the textual part of the detailed zoning plan, the plan 
notation and explanation of the signatures etc. are presented as 
text documents. 
Beside these three realisations for different users on a 
municipality level other sections (environment, technical 
infrastructure etc.) may easily be integrated with the existence 
of digital data. For all the various users and their section we 
offer different user access modi and different layout based on 
access rights related to their work profile or based on spatial or 
temporal partitioning. 

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