Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
When the user selects a specific room, information is displayed 
in a separate web page. This page can be either an html or SVG 
3.1 Data structure and file sizes 
As mentioned earlier the, transformation of dwg files to SVG 
format was achieved with the use of CAD2SVGmodule. The 
source dwg file contains lines, dashed lines, polylines, hatches 
and polygons. Due to the fact that these structures are not 
identical in SVG, the converter uses mainly the «path» element 
represent features’ geometry. SVG provides the general 
<path> element, which when used can create a huge variety of 
graphical objects. 
This general transformation of the various data constructs to one 
repeating used <path> element causes the output SVG file size 
to be five times larger than the one of the source. This can 
become really a problem in a web environment and for this 
reason SVGz compression is applied resulting to a zipped file 
50% smaller than the original dwg. 
In this section, apart from the original application screenshots, 
there are explanations about the implementation of several hot 
spots in SVG coded images. 
At step B the user selects the floor layer he wants to virtually 
visit, from a screen that shows the exterior of the building, by 
pointing on the desirable level, which is actually an SVG image 
(Figure 2). SVG images can be embedded in html pages using 
either html <embed> or <object> element as shown in the code 
<embed src="NestedSVG.svg" 
width="500" height="400" 
<object  data="file://c:/  NestedSVG.svg" 
height="400" type="image/sve+xml"> 
Figure 2: Raster building image with SVG rectangle elements 
designed for the floor selection. 
The picture that the user gets at step C is a ground plan of the 
selected floor in SVG graphic format. This image can be 
zoomed in and out, panned using the popup menu of the Adobe 
viewer by right clicking inside the SVG image. While moving 
the mouse cursor over the rooms of the building, some areas 
such as rooms, public areas etc. are highlighted (figure 3). 
Figure 3: Plan of the selected floor where highlighted room is 
user's selection 
By left clicking on a highlighted feature a new web page is 
loaded showing information about the selected area (Figure 4). 
Highlighting can be easily implemented using the “set” element 
from the SVG specification combined with *mouseover" and 
"mouseout" options or by java scripting. 
<set begin="r42_1.mouseover" end="r42_1.mouseout" 
attributeName="fill" to="#CCCCFF"/> 
SVG linking capabilities give the option this page to be rather 
an html page (Figure 3) or an SVG one. 
Code «a xlink:href-"Testpage2.html" opens an html page. 
Code <a xlink:href="Testpage1.svg"> opens an svg page. 
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Age EE) C:\Documents and Settrige}Sparomar s\My DocurentslISPRS2004 Home workltestpagez hm Hm = 
Room Number A.42 
Room Usage Office 
Telephone Number| +30-210-772 2730 
LP. address 
Name Lysandros Tsoulos 
Identity Assistant Professor 
Email lysandro@central,ntua.gr 
Homepage http://www.survey.ntua.gr/lysandro 
Figure 4: information shown after clicking on a ground’s plan 
room in html web format. 
SVG has the advantage of presenting text information in user's 
system language. For example, in case the web page that 
appears after users’ selection on a highlighted area is in SVG 
format and if the proper SVG code is used, all descriptive 
information about rooms will be shown in Greek or English 
characters. This can be of course implemented in every 
language that can be part of the SVG code. 
The following slice of SVG code shows that if user’s system 
language is English the “Telephone Number” text will appear in 
the SVG web page, or if user’s system language is set to Greek 
the "ApiOóc TuAepovov" text will be shown accordingly. 

Note to user

Dear user,

In response to current developments in the web technology used by the Goobi viewer, the software no longer supports your browser.

Please use one of the following browsers to display this page correctly.

Thank you.