International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
«ext xot." ys" "stylec"stroke:...; fill:...; font-size:20;"
Telephone Number
<text x="..." y="..." style="stroke:..; fill:…; font-size:20;" 0:"
Api8uóc TuAepóvov
In case the web page that appears after users’ selection on a
highlighted area is in SVG format and there is a need for
embedding a raster image, SVG uses the «image? element as
«image x- "10" y="20" width-"200px" height-" 150"
SVG is an XML language enabling users to “read” the
information contained in SVG files. This information
concerning both geometry and descriptive data, in some cases
has to be used in other applications or disseminated among
different users. The solution proposed is the use of Geography
Markup Language - GML. GML is an XML standard developed
by the Open GIS Consortium - OGC designed to support
interoperability among different data models and feature
representations by providing a common data model, a set of
basic and sophisticated geometry tags to describe the spatial and
non spatial features (OGC GML, 2003).
Based on XML technologies (XML and XML Namespaces),
GML is extensible, supports definitions of profiles, is open and
vendor independent. The value of using the GML is well
understood when geographic data have to be transported. to
other recipients in heterogeneous environments. Based on the
standard mark-up elements, the receiving party knows exactly
what each data component means and how to extract it so that
nothing gets lost or distorted in the transport and translation
process. In order to achieve that, the receiving party gets apart
from GML files the corresponding application schema. The
application schema is the implementation of a schema language
that models geographic information in GML and defines rules
for application schemas. Also defines standard elements and
types for use (Portele, 2004).
Whenever interoperability issues have to be taken into account,
the standard procedure that has to be followed is the
transformation of the source data files to GML format. This
intermediate phase is considered necessary in order that
potential users are capable to utilize the GML tiles without
facing any interoperability problems (Figure 5). GML upholds
the principle of separating content from presentation, thus a
styling mechanism is required to display GML data. Potential
graphical display formats apart from SVG are the Microsoft
Vector Markup Language (VML) and the X3D (Lake, 2003).
The huge amount of existing - large and small scale - data may
benefit from the XML technology and more specifically from
SVG. There are a number of converters enabling users to easily
source SVg
file file
source gml > svq
file file file
intermediate file for
transport and storage use
Figure 5: Alternative approaches to SVG result
publish CAD, PDF and other popular format projects online as
SVG, the open-standard W3C recommendation for vector
graphic viewing on the web. The flawless conversion process
outputs compact SVG that can be viewed in the free viewers
which offer printing, zoom, pan, copy, and many other features.
The converters automate many of the formerly manual
processes associated with deploying and managing the
publishing of files on web sites. More specifically the
conversion process and the resulting graphics have the
following characteristics:
e Maintain the integrity of the original files
e Have the option to "invert" the colour scheme, which
transforms the standard black background to the web
standard white background and at the same time
change any line colours that would appear to be
"washed out" when viewed with a white background
e Save as SVGZ compressed files for delivery
e Convert single files or whole directories
e All the hard earned data that is in the block attributes
is maintained, created at easily accessible metadata
e Viewers are free, unlike other proprietary viewers
available on major platforms and OS's
e XML style of document structure means edits can be
done in any text
The SVG format is emerging through the cooperative efforts of
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and its members. To
Web developers, SVG will look and feel very familiar, thanks to
its roots in XML. SVG is text based; therefore, coding
techniques can be learned by leveraging the work or code of
others. This drastically reduces the overall learning curve. The
JavaScript language and Document Object Model (DOM) will
be very familiar to people who use DHTML. Developers who
use JSP, PHP, and ASP for HTML or text content today will
now be able to create graphics in much the same way.
SVG is text based and works seamlessly with current Web
technologies like HTML, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SMIL, ASP, JSP,
and JavaScript providing to the user full compatibility.
Graphics created in SVG can be scaled without loss of quality
across various platforms and devices. SVG can be used on the
Web, in print and even on portable devices while retaining full
Sophisticated user interfaces or even full-blown on-line
applications can be created with SVG. And because SVG is text
based, the text inside graphics can be translated for other
geographies quickly, often collapsing localization efforts to
days instead of weeks.
Lake F
SVG. |
OGC t!