Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Intern 
Tru RE [Zmreprelation> — pania 
uf e ur / S <mreprelation_id>4</mreprelation_id> GDF 
i — LH <general_atts> Yo Of 
A Y= 7 à «source. ids»atkis.178;atkis.179;«/source ids? there 
3 -~ A 7 «target ids»gdf.363;«/target ids? invest 
x À ? <cardinality>2:1</cardinality> 87.7% 
a AN 7 X «human. estimation 10096«/human, estimation betwei 
Y 7 ah] 5S. </general_atts > 
cer CR e i s «semantic, atts 
Ns | / NS. «source classes»Strafle;Strafe;«/source classes? T 
7 > \ i f s «target. classes RDEL;-«/target. classes? =I 
NS à A fs ES 
»- > > z 2 i f PS </semantic_atts> -nın 
ut s NC / f / «geometric, atts? - im 
AN zu i E / y <length_difference>-8.78597077</length_difference> - 
NM 5/1 NG <<. >... = 
\ \ == DZ) r4 TS 1 </geometric_atts> s 
\ = T e COSS i ^N S C <topologic_atts/> - pur 
DE a X ANN LN </mreprelation> 2 
> ZN 79 NN - f ; 3 : ; ; : : 
AM NS. VAN 7 I MEAT = E / Figure 10. Structure of a MultirepresentationalRelation in the 
* € MRRL format. Table 
Figure 9. Clipping of the test scenario from the inner city of . : 
Stuttgart (ATKIS in dotted, GDF in straight lines). 4.2 Analyzing relations It has 
à : S : ; In the work that has been done up to now, we have investigated jo 
In order to build MultirepresentationalRelation objects for the correspondencies on the object class devel between ATKIS Brgy 
corresponding representations of the WO source data sets, the and GDF by analyzing the instance relations of our test area. In are 
Relation Builder was developed (see figure 10). first results, we could show, for example, that there are gom 
dS RC RIEN MEME significant correspondencies between the object classes "Road" N Com 
QI Relation Builder Toolbox (RD) and “Intersection” (ISEC) of GDF and “Lane” (LN) of with a 
Source layer: | ES atkis_testgebiet_mitte__] Source layer schema: [iris > ATKIS, as it is illustrated in figure 11. 
Target layer: | HE gat_testgebiet mite -] | Target layer schema: Foe =] 
Chose ayers | Undo choose layers | 
get In this 
Build Relation on dif 
era D === relatio 
Save Estationt 3) i Cancel 
general | semanticimetadata | geometric | topologic ^ verifie 
emis i gr EI => [Road] relatio 
Target ID(s): gat 384; the pr 
Cardinality (source : target): pu represe 
Human estimation of the correspondence probability: n:m nx: 
(€ 100% (C Verylikey C Likely C Rather yes C Unclear 
[S Select source ànd target object(s) for creating relations 
Figure 10. The Relation Builder module. Bishr, 
It provides a feature to select the representations in the map Mappe 
view. The operator can also specify his personal impression Figure 11. ATKIS Lane (LN) and GDF Road (RD) and Procee 
about the likelihood of correspondence. Pressing the “Build Intersection (ISEC) objects show a high degree of similarity. Interor 
Relation” button automatically creates the relation with all its Lecture 
attributes for the selected features and greys them out so the Within our test data sets, there are 370 features of GDF and 267 203-21 
operator can see for which objects relations have been set up of ATKIS. 175 of the 370 GDF instances are either belonging to 
already. the RD or the ISEC class. On the other hand, 77 of the 267 Bofing 
> ATKIS features are “Lane” objects. We created 57 Verfah 
If all necessary relations have been created, they can be saved in MultirepresentationalRelation objects for the representations of Diplon 
an XML-based MRRL (MultiRepresentational Relation the investigated classes. Only 4 GDF representations which held of Stut 
Language) file. This file stores general information about the RD or ISEC objects couldn't be assigned to LN objects of 
source data sets and all the relations that exist between their ATKIS at all (see * in table 1). As an example, we found 4 RD Bruns, 
individual instances. Figure 10 shows a short extract of this file. features which were corresponding with a “Tunnel” and a Scenes 
The implementation has been done using the (JDOM 2004) “Street” feature of ATKIS. There were 46 pure relations Handli 
library for XML processing in Java. between the object classes, though, and 4 of the impure matches 
also supported our hypothesis of a direct correspondence of Cobb, | 
ATKIS LN and GDF RD and ISEC. In 3 cases, we found only a Tose. 
ctor 4 

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