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L. Lehto and T. Sarjakoski
Finnish Geodetic Institute, PO Box 15, 02431 Masala, Finland - (Lassi.Lehto, Tapani.Sarjakoski)@fgi. fi
Commission IV, WG IV/2
KEY WORDS: Web based, Integration, Interoperability, Mobile, Internet
The paper discusses online integration of XML-encoded datasets in the current Web services environment, especially concentrating
on the required schema transformations. The approach is based on the use of a generic XML transformation technology, called
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). The role of the data integration process in a layered service architecture
framework is described. The basics of the applied XML technology are introduced. A case implementation, built as the prototype
service of the GiMoDig project, demonstrates the benefits yielded by the approach. The required schema translations can be carried
out as a single process, together with the needed coordinate transformations. The same base methodology can be applied both to
query and data transformations. The declarative nature of the transformation definition, represented as templates stored in an XML-
encoded text file, makes the transformation process easy to debug and fine-tune. As the final result, cross-border map visualization is
Integration of distributed geospatial databases is a rather well
established research area. Many solutions have been proposed
over the years, based on various database tools and
technologies. The recent development of the Web as a common
platform for geospatial data delivery and processing makes the
traditional problem of database integration to emerge in a new
Simple Web-based map services have become commonplace.
As more sophisticated service types are being introduced, the
focus in research and development is shifting away from issues
related to pure map visualization to processes involving real
spatial datasets. Extensible Markup Language (XML) based
data encoding has been widely adopted in various application
areas, geographic information not being an exception (W3C,
2004a) (Lehto, 2000). Geography Markup Language (GML) is
a well-known XML vocabulary designed for applications
dealing with geospatial data (OGC, 2003).
The new challenge encountered in this approach is to integrate
XML-encoded heterogeneous geospatial datasets in real-time.
The data integration process involves at least two aspects:
schema translations and coordinate system transformations.
These two integration tasks are dealt with in the following. The
issues are discussed in the context of a seamless, cross-border
mobile map service, based on open system architecture.
In this paper the need for real-time data transformations is first
motivated and the chosen general service architecture
introduced. The applied generic XML transformation
technology is then discussed. Finally, as a case implementation
a prototype cross-border GML data service developed by a
four-nation EU-funded project: "Geospatial Info-Mobility
Service by Real-Time Data-Integration and Generalisation",
(GiMoDig, 2004) is presented.
The rapidly expanding European integration. development
increases the demand for consistent, continent-wide geospatial
data services. A few European Commission-backed initiatives
are already working to facilitate this process. These initiatives
include projects like GINIE, GETIS, EULIS, INSPIRE,
GiMoDig etc. Various data harmonization processes of the
EuroGeographics also aim at same target. The main results of
this work can be seen in the development of the European-wide
datasets, like EuroGlobalMap, EuroRegioMap and SABE
(EuroGeographics, 2004).
In the case of the major national datasets, like the topographic
map series, it has become obvious that the Pan-European
geospatial data provision must be based on databases
maintained in the national data models by the national
authorities. Standardized access interfaces and spatial data
encoding mechanisms would be applied to achieve the desired
cross-border accessibility. The INSPIRE Architecture and
Standards Position Paper (INSPIRE, 2004) proposes that the
OGC's implementation level specification Web Feature Service
(WFS, 2003), or rather the upcoming ISO-released official
version of it, be used as a query interface by the data providers.
According to the WFS specification, the dataset provided by the
service is to be encoded in XML format - in compliance with
the GML specification of the OGC.
In the case of the proposed European geospatial data service
architecture there are two basic integration tasks. Firstly, the
coordinate values presented in the individual national
coordinate systems have to be transformed into a common Pan-
European reference frame. Secondly, the data models applied in
each country for comparable data contents, like the information
normally presented on large-scale topographic maps, vary
considerably from country to country. This fact necessitates