Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Ruas, 1998b), multi-variate clustering (Ormbsy and 
Mackanness, 1999). 
For this purpose, we decided to use buffering technique and 
voronoi diagrams (polygons) Using the semi-size of 
minimum distance between two building symbols (10 m - 
1:50K) according to visual graphic resolution (cartographic 
minimum sizes) as buffer size, we can find buildings in 
conflict for target scale. As can be guessed, combined buffers 
(building clusters) are created after individual building 
generalization otherwise no conflict will occur. Later, 
vertices of blocks and buildings are derived and using them, 
voronoi polygons are created and partitioned according to 
blocks, and combined according to the clusters (Figure 1). 
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Figure 1. Combined voronoi polygons of building clusters 
(pink: settlement areas, light green: combined voronoi 
polygons, gray: empty areas) 
3.2 Road Generalization 
Road generalization mainly consists of three steps: 
simplification, smoothing and selection. While simplifying 
the roads in order to maintain geometric accuracy, parameters 
must be selected carefully. For this purpose, Douglas- 
Peucker algorithm is used with 0.2 mm (10 m — 1:50K) 
tolerance value (band with) according to visual graphic 
resolution. Thus, road geometry will be within a 10 meter- 
tolerance band, namely accurate within the scale limits. 
Besides, angle tolerance and vertex separation is controlled. 
Later, smoothing is applied but this can create a deviation 
more than the tolerance. This can sometimes be useful to 
prevent road symbols from self- or inter-overlapping 
however this will not work in every case. Sinuosity of a line, 
the ratio of the distance between first and last points of the 
line to the line length, can be used here to decide smoothing 
parameter. But this will also not give good results every time. 
Segmentation strategy and more advanced measures and 
algorithms are needed here. Besides, local enlargement or 
caricature (Plazanet et al, 1998) for emphasizing shape 
characteristics can be necessary. These are beyond scope of 
this paper. Consequently, some small corrections are made 
Generalization, i.e. selection of subset, of road networks 1s 
another important issue. Due to the increase in symbol sizes 
of roads and buildings, namely in density, while scale 
decreasing, it will not possible to show every road at target 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 
scale. So, we have to generalize road networks. According to 
Thomson and Richardson (1999) “good continuation" 
perceptual grouping principle can serve as the basis for 
analysing a road network into a set of linear elements, i.e. 
‘strokes’. Further analysis allows the strokes to be ordered, to 
reflect their relative importance in the network. The deletion 
of the elements according to this sequence provides a simple 
and effective method of generalizing (attenuating) the 
network. Jiang and Claramunt (2002) proposes a novel 
generalization model which retains the central structure of a 
street network, it relies on a structural representation of a 
street network using graph principles where vertices 
represent named streets and links represent street 
intersections. In our study, only computer-assisted techniques 
are used. 
To tackle with this problem, four criteria are used in 
removing the road segments interactively: road type, 
connectivity to main roads, continuity with same orientation 
and the area of blocks created using the buffers of 
surrounding roads at their symbol sizes. Important roads are 
always retained. At this scale range (from 1:25K to 1:50K), 
inner-city roads usually needs generalizing because of their 
density. By means of a simple code, we select a few blocks 
interactively until their total area is about 1 ha (= 10 000 sq 
m) regarding first three criteria. When the size criteria are 
met, blocks are combined and the road segments intersecting 
these new blocks are removed. After finishing this operation, 
roads are displaced if they have conflicts with cach other. 
Finally settlement blocks surrounded by roads are created. 
3.3 Building and Settlement Area Generalization 
Steps for building and settlement area generalization are 
given below: 
- Select complex shaped buildings and enlarge 50%. The 
criteria are corner number >= 6, compactness > 1.05, 
rectangularity < 0.75, convexity < 0.9 and 625 <= area 
<= 2 000 sq m. Only these buildings are enlarged before 
simplification to increase the possibility of preserve 
their shape characteristics. 
- Square (the edges of) buildings if rectangularity <>1. 
- Simplify buildings if area > 416 sq m. 
- . Collapse and symbolise buildings (as minimum sized 
square polygon — 625 sq m at 1:50K) if area <= 416 sq 
m, enlarge 50% if 416 <= area <= 2 000 sq m and 
granularity >= 10 m and shape is not complex (see first 
- Enlarge or diminish the size of building if the ratio of its 
first and last areas is different from 1.5 and not square 
(compactness <> 1.27) (and granularity >= 22.5 m — in 
case of diminishing). 
- Change the elongation of buildings by preserving their 
area if rectangularity = | and compactness > 1.27. 
- Create single and combined buffers (clusters) of 
buildings with 0.5*minimum separation value. The 
buildings in clusters are in conflict at target scale. 
- Create settlement blocks among surrounded roads (see 
previous section). 
. Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 

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