Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanhul 2004 
they are used as a reference in the text without further details 
about their direction. In the example of Fig. 2, fences are quite 
straight. However, there are other examples of maps where 
fences show more irregularities in their shape. Creeks do have 
windings that are explicitly mentioned in the text, but no further 
information about the direction of these windings is given in the 
description. Within a digitized map, the irregular shapes of 
fences and creeks are represented by polylines. If necessary, e.g. 
in cases of rapid changes in direction along the boundary path, a 
high number of intermediate points are marked, thus, not only 
the endpoints of a boundary part, but also its precise course 
between these endpoints is known and represented at the 
geometrical level. 
4.5 First results 
Although the project is an ongoing work and still rather at its 
beginning, some of the question of section 4.3 will be addressed 
in this section. 
The questions concerning the different used levels of abstraction 
and a common symbolic level was already briefly examined in 
the previous section. 
Boundary descriptions in cadastre are supposed to be rigorously 
redundant free. Within the available examples, the information 
in the descriptive texts is in such compact form that some 
knowledge even has to be concluded by logical inference or 
mere presumption. Besides the already mentioned missing 
information about the direction of fences or the windings of 
creeks, table 1 reveals more ambiguous attribute values of 
boundary parts. 
No. type length in m | adjacent owner | direction of 
1 line 301. 00 ?] left 
2 creek 68.70 A (formerly Z) continue 
3 creek 158.60 B (formerly Z) left 
4 line 351.00 D left 
S line 190.20 A slightly left 
6 fence 86.00 A 22 
Table 1. Boundary parts with their associated attributes, listed in 
the sequence of their appearance in the textural description in 
section 4.2. Some of the information is missing or ambiguous 
(marked by ?1, ?2). 
Right at the first boundary part, the text mentions that the 
descriptions starts at a point of conjunction between two 
properties, both belonging to owner A, but one of them formerly 
belonged to owner Z. The text does not mention, to which of 
these two properties the first line is ad;^^ent. However, after 
reading the complete text, it is possible to conclude on the 
owner of the neighbouring property: The last boundary part (no. 
6) is connected to the first part and has as adjacent owner only 
A, thus it can be deduced that ?1 = A (formerly Z). The 
direction of turning after the last boundary part - in order to 
continue with the first boundary part again - is completely 
missing. Only if it is assumed that the description starts at a 
turning point and that the bending at the starting point is no 
exception from the typical walking direction then it can be 
inferred that 22 = left. However, there are examples of other 
properties where the starting point is no turning point at all, 
therefore ?2 — left is only a hypothesis. An automatic extraction 
and disambiguation of the knowledge given in the descriptive 
texts (as it is manually prepared in table 1) is a task within the 
field of information extraction (Cowie and Lehnert, 1996). This 
is not part of the presented project, yet. 
The maps of the cadastre contain redundancy on purpose since 
they should provide human interpreters with a quick overview 
of the situation and precise information. While the length and 
direction of the boundary parts is already implicitly represented 
by its drawing and the scale of the map, only the annotated 
numbers allow a quick reference on the precise distances and 
directions. However, the annotated numbers are directly taken 
from the textual description of the properties and are not always 
consistent with the actually drawn boundary parts. This leads to 
the question of consistency. The redundancy of the map is 
useful to match boundary parts of the map and of the associated 
text which can be checked further on consistency in other 
attributes (owner of adjacent properties, type). In the given 
example of section 4.2, there are already some inconsistencies 
in the type. Boundary parts no. 1 and no. 5 in table 1 are of type 
“line” while the corresponding boundary parts in the map are of 
type "fence". Either the description is simply not specific 
enough for these boundary parts or the map is wrong at these 
For the production of a reverse description, not only the 
sequence of appearance of the boundary parts has to be properly 
recorded within the chosen knowledge representation. Although 
the textual descriptions of the cadastre refer to geographic 
objects (boundary parts) that can be identified in both directions 
(in contrast to the problem in many navigation tasks where 
landmarks are only visible in one direction), the information 
about the turning direction has to be suitably adapted. If they are 
e.g. given as a certain degree of azimuth, they have to be 
computed considering +180 degree. In the example in section 
4.2 only relative spatial descriptions such as "left" are used that 
need to be exchanged by their opposite term. Composed terms, 
such as “slightly left”, can be easily transformed by altering the 
spatial term ("slightly right"). 
Although the scenario of the Brazilian cadastre is already 
challenging, this second application is of an even higher 
complexity. Persons in charge in a disaster management centre 
depend on up-to-date information about events and conditions at 
different locations. Usually, such information is plotted on a 
map and regularly updated with the information of incoming 
messages. In case of a catastrophic event, a large number of 
such messages in verbal or written form are received and need 
to be interpreted and evaluated by staff members in the centre. 
Therefore, the aim in this application is to analyse spatial 
information in these messages, thus allowing a more efficient 
update of these maps. Incoming messages in the context of an 
example scenario “thunderstorm” might be: 
e Train derailed at level-crossing A and driven into a 
magazine of fertilizers at B, fire and a high number of 
injured persons at B 
e  Scveral people in district C complain about shortness 
of breath due to strong smoke emission at B 
e Main road D is blocked between street E and street F 
because of fallen trees and branches 
All these messages contain spatial information, but on different 
scales (compare Fig. 5). Here, the previously 1D-problem of the 
cadastre is expanded to all 4 dimensions. To all three possible 
that oc 
place d 
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order t 
future v 
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Allen, J 
and Ste 
Bähr, H 
Bähr, H 

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