Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
As mentioned in the introduction, in many cases two or more 
representations of the same object may exist in different data 
sets. While attempting to define which object from the two data 
sets are the same, we have to define 
correspondence can be found in the two data sets. Since spatial 
objects can be characterised by their spatial and thematic 
characteristic, the differences and similarities can be related to 
theme and geometry. It may appear that one object from one 
data set can be linked to zero, one or many objects from the 
other data set. Such a multiplicity can occur in both the 
geometric and the thematic domain. 
The following cases can be distinguished: 
1. One object corresponds to only one object from the 
second data set. The relationship between the 
representations is then 1:1. In terms of spatial 
relationships this will mean ‘objectl equals to 
2. An object exists only in one of two datasets but can be 
assumed that is part of conglomerate in the second 
data set. For example, the object ‘bridge’ cannot be 
found in the second data set because it is complete 
integrated within another object, e.g. ‘road’. In such 
cases, we define relationship 1:0. Translated into 
spatial relationships, this case has to result in ‘object1 
inside/covered by object2'. 
3. An object is an aggregation of several objects from 
the second data set. For example, the object ‘road’ in 
one data set may be confronted with ‘primary road’ 
and ‘secondary road’ in the second data. In this case, 
we define relationship 1:m. The spatial relationship 
will be *objectl contains/covers object2' 
4. The last most complex relationship is when two 
different themes are considered and the object cannot 
be thematically matched. For example, the object 
‘riverside’ from a large-scale data set, which is only 
of interest for an organisation dealing with large-scale 
mapping and therefore not modelled in small-scale 
applications, cannot be related to a similar object in 
the small-scale data set. Instead it will overlap with 
other thematic objects in the small-scale data set, such 
as ‘grass’ or ‘road’. In this case the spatial 
relationship will be “object! overlap/intersect 
Considering only the theme of the objects, making the 
correspondence between two data sets looks a straightforward 
approach to be implemented at DBMS level (using the spatial 
operations, e.g. SDO RELATE in Oracle Spatial 9i). However, 
scale and geometric resolutions (closely related to the scale) 
also influence the process of object referencing. When the scale 
is different, most commonly the outer rings of the polygons (in 
case of area objects) differ significantly. Although smaller, 
variations can be observed even in case of equal scales due to 
diverse data sources, data productions procedures and resolution 
(detail) used. 
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Figure 1: Scale differences (fragments): 1:1000 (up) and 1:5000 
Bearing these geometric considerations, we have to expect that 
the boundaries of two objects will never completely *coincide'. 
Thus, it will be rather problematic to execute spatial functions 
'equals to’ or ‘covers’ and obtain the unambiguous result 
‘TRUE’. In most of the cases, checking particular spatial 
relationships between two objects will be influenced by 
differences in the outer rings of the polygons. To avoid this 
problem, we have developed an algorithm, which does more 
than simply applying the topological operators. 
The algorithm assumes that if two objects can be related, their 
geometries must intersect. The three general steps of the 
algorithm can be specified as follows: 
e For each object from the first data set it is checked 
which are the objects from the second data set that 
‘interact’. The type of interaction is not important. 
Thus all the non-interacting objects are filtered out. 
* For each object (from the second data set) that has 
been detected to interact with the object of interest 
(from data set 1), a new object ‘intersection’ is 
composed that represents the common (overlapping) 
area between the two. The area of the new object is 
e The areas of the object of interest and the 
‘intersection’ object are compared. A decision if the 
two objects can be considered the same is taken using 
a threshold. For example, if the areas are more than 
90% the same, the two objects are considered the 
same (see Section 5 for more details). 
This algorithm was implemented in Oracle Spatial 9i, using the 
high-level scripting language PL/SQL and the spatial functions 
SDO RELATE with mask “anyinteract’ (for the first step), 
SDO_INTERSECTION (to compose the geometry of the 
‘intersection’ object) and SDO AREA (to compute the area). 
Creating new representations from existing ones always 
requires classification. (based on theme) and aggregation 
algorithms (based on geometry). The issue can become 
extremely complicated. For example, considering only 
simplification of geometry (without theme differences), no 
ultimate set of algorithms exists at this moment, which can 
generate a dataset at a required small scale based on a data set at 
a larger scale. 
Here, we follow a different approach: we make use of two 
existing data sets to derive a new data set. The underlying 
motivation is the existence of many different data sets (in 
topographic offices, municipalities, cadastre) that do have the 
same (or similar) themes or that contain slightly different 
themes but map the same resolution. An appropriate 
combination of such data sets may significantly reduce the 
efforts and time for delivering the requested data. Depending on 
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