Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

bul 2004 
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legree and 
| (Petzold, 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2003). A short overview can be found in (Petzold et. al., 2003). 
This paper is restricted to the criterion best suited for 
deselecting point and line objects: conflict free space. It is 
insignificant if the conflict partners are labeling spaces or labels 
of point or line objects or map objects, which should be 
considered as long as they can be represented by a bounding 
legend: — 
og Obiects to be 
[labeling space 
e) : Minden 
Glonnu (Westy oot ; 
Duisburgu i sen 
aKöln Siegen 
SE „Aachen Bonn . 
. i Le i Euskirchen 
Figure 7. Impossibility to label all objects in small scales (a) 
and b)) Restriction to less objects necessary: 
deselection (c) to e)). 
3.3.1  Deselection-criterion for point objects 
For a specific scale, the difficulty to label a certain point object 
can be determined by the calculation of the remaining free label 
space. This can be done by considering the conflict labeling 
spaces or conflict labels of other objects. 
a) — IT + 
| legend: DUM 
label to be placed ! ] 
| in corresponding r= 
size ANN 
peer ; 
E fi ~ 4 : 
L | area | se ~~. first vector of the area ¥,, or Y,,, ifunequal c 
fabeling 7a. first vector ofthe area. X,,.or X, if unequal 2 
Figure 8 The criterion conflict free space is illustrated in both 
figures for the same example, separated for 
horizontal a) and vertical labeling spaces b). 
conflict free horizontal |c— ls 
s symbol 
labeling space E y 
"s conflict free vertical distance 
«, labeling space symbol-labelbox 
Ta and y vectors of areas 1, 2, 3 und 4, if unequal & 
Therefore the labeling space of a point object is split into areas 
(Figure 8). Each area has at most the size of the label. The 
distance between the symbol and the bounding box border is 
equal to the height in the vertical direction or rather the width in 
the horizontal direction of the label to be placed. So there is one 
row of these areas around the symbol (Figure 8). 
For each area, the remaining conflict free labeling spaces are 
stored in vectors separately for the horizontal and vertical 
directions, as visualized in Figure 8. Conflict free labeling 
spaces for the horizontal sliding (above and below the symbol) 
guarantee sufficient conflict free space for the label height, but 
not automatically for the label width. This must be determined 
in a subsequent step described later. This procedure is 
analogous for the vertical sliding. 
Each area in the corners of the bounding box has two vectors 
starting from the closest corner to the symbol — one for the 
horizontal and one for the vertical labeling spaces (Figure 8 a) 
and b)). Each area (directly) above and below the symbol has 
two vectors for representing the remaining. horizontal space 
starting both from the closest corners to the symbol (Figure 8 
a)). The areas (directly) left and right of the symbol are defined 
analogously for the vertical space (Figure 8 b)). 
The conflict free labeling spaces represented by the vectors are 
evaluated separately for the horizontal and vertical sliding as 
shown in Figure 8. Thus the level of difficulty of labeling an 
object to a specific scale can be derived by the ratio free 
labeling space and the label size. A value greater one for one 
free space indicates that this space is huge enough to hold the 
label conflict free. 
b) SideB 
e # or T. joe N E 
sir wand, stripeStart, stripeStart . 
>. ; ; Jee, 
stripeStart, SideA confici ree, 
Figure 9 The criterion ‘conflict free space’ for line objects is a 
further development of the criterion for point objects. 
It can handle conflicts with line and point objects to 
be labeled a). The results are conflict free stripes b). 
3.3.2  Deselection-criterion for line objects 
For a line object, the remaining free label space can be cal- 
culated for a certain scale, too. In contrast to point labeling, the 
line labels wriggle along the line. Thus only the remaining free 
space in one direction — parallel to the line — has to be com- 
puted. This can be done by a "projection" of the conflict and 
conflict free spaces on the line object from both sides, as 
visualized in Figure 9. 
So far we have described methods for determining information 
about single conflicts. This section deals with assembling this 
information, the data-structure to store this information and how 
to build it up. As mentioned in the introduction to section 3, the 
developed data-structure will store the conflict information for 

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