Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

hul 2004 
In: Joint 
ssing and 
A.M. Felicísimo?, A. Cuartero?, F.J. Ariza" 
* Dept. of Graphic Expression, Extremadura University, 10071 Cáceres , Spain. acuartero@unex.es amfeli@unex.es 
h Dept. of Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, University 
of Jaén, 23071, Jaén. Spain 
Commission VI, WG VI/4 
KEY WORDS: DEM, Stereoscopic, Matching, Correlation, Accuracy 
DPW generates DEMs with very large storage volumes may require quite large computation loads. Then its integration into a 
SIS may lead to conflict between these huge data sizes and the operations of analysis, mapping algebra, simulation, etc. It would 
clearly be advisable therefore to avoid a blind inclusion of all of tie data derived from the photogrammetric process, and only to take 
those which are both, of good quality and significant in representing the relicf. By eliminating poor quality data, one will improve 
the model's accuracy, and by eliminating unnecessary data one will reduce the redundancy, the data volume and the computational 
loads. Those effects will improve the efficacy of the SIS or GIS, in which the DEM is just been integrated. 
We propose, and analyze, a method based on a single and objective criterion designed to generalize DEMs by the way of data 
redundancy removal with no appreciable loss of accuracy. The criterion is to state a correlation threshold for the correlation values 
that the DPW assigns to each point of the DEM, so that points which correlation values are below the threshold will be rejected. For 
several DEMs we checked the resulting accuracy against a set of more than 7000 ground control points measured using differential 
GPS techniques obtaining satisfactory results 
The digital photogrammetric workstation (DPW) introduced 
major changes into the flow of tasks in analytical 
photogrammetry. One of these changes was the possibility of 
automating part of the steps of the photogrammetric process 
itself. For instance, automation allows one to construct DEMs 
with an almost arbitrarily large density of points. In the manual 
process, however, it had been necessary to make a preliminary 
selection of only those points that the operator interpreted as 
significant in describing the relief (these were called VIPs, very 
important points). 
Due to this very high density of points, DPW-generated DEMs 
may attain quite massive computational sizes. Then their 
integration into a geographic information system (GIS) may 
lead to conflict between these huge data sizes and the operations 
of analysis, mapping algebra, and simulation. It would clearly 
be advisable therefore to avoid a blind inclusion of all of the 
data deriving from the photogrammetric process, and only take 
those which are both of good quality and significant in 
representing the relief. By eliminating poor quality data, one 
will improve the models accuracy, and by eliminating 
unnecessary data one will reduce the redundancy. Both effects 
will improve the efficacy of the characteristic operations of the 
GIS, in which the DEM is just one more of the variables to be 
To carry out such a cleaning up process, one needs an objective 
criterion for the selection of which data to keep and which to 
discard. DPWs generate a correlation value for each point of the 
DEM. This value depends on the success of the stereo-matching 
operations used to estimate the parallax from which the 
elevation is calculated. It is to be expected a priori that high 
correlations correspond to more reliable points, whereas 
keeping points with low correlations could introduce errors. 
We here analyse the efficacy of a method of selecting reliable 
points on the basis of their correlation values. We evaluate the 
error of the DEM as points are eliminated and determine the 
threshold separating reliable points from those of high 
uncertainty. This process of simplification allows one to 
"lighten" the data structure, making it better adapted to 
integration in a GIS. 
Constructing a DEM on the basis of correlation methods usually 
gives better results than using conventional analytical 
techniques. Ackerman (1994) studied the case of aerial 
photograms, finding that the precision of the parallax depends 
on the stereo-correlation technique: 0.1-0.2 pixels with least 
squares matching (LSM) and 0.3-0.4 pixels with feature based 
matching (FBM ). 
Dependence on analogue aerial images was formally broken in 
1980 when the American Society of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing (ASPRS) included the possibility of using 
digital data from remote sensing in its definition of 
photogrammetry (Slama, 1980). The techniques of 
photogrammetric restitution have been known for decades, but 
the possibility of using satellite images did not arise until 1986 
with the launch of the first of the SPOT series satellites. The 
work of Priebbenow & Clerici (1988) dealt with the 
cartographic utility of panchromatic SPOT images, whose 10 m 
pixel size was compatible with a 1:50 000 scale. Mukai et al. 
(1989) studied the generation of DEMs from the overlap zones 
of contiguous Landsat-TM images. The estimated RMSE with 
60 ground control points was 92 m, approximately thrice the 
pixel size. An identical study performed with panchromatic 
SPOT images of Japan's Central Alps (Mukai et al., 1990) gave 
RMSE values of 26 m with 40 ground control points taken from 
pre-existing 1:25 000 maps. Sasowski & Petersen (1992) 
carried out the same test for a zone of Alaska. They obtained a 

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