Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
RMSE of 19 m and a non-zero mean error, indicative of a 
systematic bias in the DEM. They did not use ground control 
points to control the error, but constructed another DEM from 
conventional maps with 5 m contour intervals. 
The more recent literature reports similar findings, so that there 
seems to have been no influence of the steady improvement of 
the sterco-matching algorithms or the development of specific 
SPOT-image modules designed to take into account the 
information of orbital parameters, image capture angles, etc. 
Hae-Yeoun et al. (2000) obtained RMSE values of 25.5 m and 
33.6 m according to the study area: their controls were made by 
comparison with other DEMs of 100 m (DTED, USA) and 60 m 
(Korean National Geographic Institute) resolution. 
The best results are those reported by Al-Rousan & Petrie 
(1998). They generated DEMs in a single desert zone of north- 
eastern Jordan with different commercial program suites, and 
obtained variable error values depending on the accuracy of the 
images and on the programs used. The RMSE ranged in value 
from 3.3 to 6.7 m. The number of ground control points was 
also variable, ranging from 10 to 47. It was not possible in their 
work to deduce the type of relief of the terrain, possibly because 
of the size of the error. 
Table I shows a set of significant examples about accuracy in 
SPOT-DEM. We can see that RMSE values are not comparable, 
varying from 3.2 m (Toutin, 2002) to 33 m (Hae-Yeoun, 2000). 
The number of declared check points is also very different, from 
6 to 40, but many authors do not provide information about this 
issue. Also, other aspects that may be crucial, such as the terrain 
topography, remain unknown. 
There are some common problems in using digital stereoscopic 
pairs, e.g, the difficulty of identifying the ground control 
points, and the frequent radiometric differences between the two 
images. These differences arise because the left and right 
components are usually taken on different days, and the light 
conditions may change (Baltsavias & Stallmann, 1993). 
Nonetheless, there are many works which lend support to the 
quality of the results of using this type of data, due to their wide 
coverage and good temporal resolution. 
Date First RMSE* ; 
Author (m) Method 
1988  Priebbenow 5.4 
: ; 40 CPs extracted from 
$990: Mukal 26 cartography 1/25000 
Comparison with DEM 
1992  Sasowki 19 generated from cartography 
3.3 and 
1998 Al-Rousan 6.7 
A Comparison with DEM of 
2000 Hae-Yeoun 25:5 amd 100 m and 60 m of 
33.6 : 
2002  Toutin 32 6 CPs from DGPS 
^ Root Mean Square Error. 
b Method which has been calculated the root mean square error 
(RMSE) in elevation of DEM. When method is hole paper no 
specify it. 
Table 1. Some works about SPOT-DEM accuracy 
Once these problems that are inherent to the photogrammetric 
process have been overcome, the resulting DEMs have to 
integrated into a GIS. In a literature search, we could find no 
references to possible optimization strategies for this phase of 
the process, in which one would like to guarantee the 
elimination of redundant and, in so far as possible, erroneous 
data. In earlier work, we have studied this latter part in some 
detail (Felicísimo, 1994; López, 2000), so that the present study 
will focus on the selection and control of the points which are to 
be kept in the data structure that will be integrated into the GIS. 
This paper aims to: 
. To analyse the DEM accuracy genercted by automatic 
stereomatching techniques from SPOT-HRV images by 
different photogrammetric softwares (OrthoBase PRO, 
Socet Set) and to compare results each other and whith a 
DEM generated from cartographic data. It is emphasized 
that, to guarantee reliable error control, it is necessary to 
have sufficient well distributed, and highly accurate, ground 
control points available. 
. Propose a method of improvement for the structure of 
DEM without a loss in accuracy. This process of 
simplification enables the data structure to be better adapted 
for integration in a GIS. 
The working hypothesis is that the correlation coefficient 
associated with each elevation datum may be used to determine 
whether that datum should be kept or discarded, thereby 
simplifying the TIN structure without significant degradation of 
its quality. The actual loss of quality of the DEM will be 
checked against a large number of ground control points 
measured with high-precision GPS techniques. 
4.1 Area under study 
Work area is a 23 km x 28 km rectangle in the province of 
Granada (Southern Spain) (Fig. 1). It is an area with a 
complex topography: Steep slopes in the South and flat 
surfaces in the North. Elevations are in the range 300-2800 m 
with an average of 1060 m. 
4.2 Data 
We have used two panchromatic SPOT-HRV images with 10 
m pixel size. The images were taken on the days 2-11-1991 
and 2-01-1992, and cover a total area of 60 km x 60 km. 
Error estimation was performed using 315 check points to 
calculate all SPOT-DEM errors and 7071 check points t0 
stydy the method of improvement. These check points have 
taken with differential GPS techniques. 
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