Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Based on the results obtained in this study, the generation of 
DEM from SPOT-HRV stereo-images can be done with 
methods of digital restitution, leading to RMSE values less than 
the pixel size. The sampling interval is one of the factors that 
influences the quality of the DEM: The best results are obtained 
for a cell size twice the pixel size (i.e., 20 m from SPOT-HRV ). 
Increasing of this distance among sampled points is not a good 
strategy because it is equivalent to a progressive generalization 
of the DEM structure. 
The influence of software is not obvious from the experiments 
carried out. The accuracy of SPOT-DEM is similar for both 
Erdas and Socet Set. 
Finally, SPOT-DEM have been compared with the DEM 
generated from a topographic map at a 1:25.000 scale. This 
process implies the comparison of 2.200.000 points. 
Comparing DEM was done by means a simple difference map 
algebra operator. Table 4 shows the basic statistics. The 
accuracy statistics of the cartographic DEM are similar to those 
of SPOT-DEM. Comparing DEM was done by means a simple 
difference map algebra operator. We can observe the small 
differences in SPOT-DEM and cartografíc DEM. 
Error (m) 
Source data Software a n c 
Ortho Base 1.5 7,7 7.4 +0,6 
SPOT-HRV en 2 i 2 
s Socet Set -4.6 8,6 7,3 +0,6 
Cartographic 1 7,9 7.8 +0.6 
* Mean Error 
* Root Mean Square Error 
* Standard Deviation 
4 Confidence Interval for SD (95%) 
Table 4. Error statistics for DEMs 
5.2 DEM depuration results 
We have conducted the depuration process based on the 
hypothesis of a certain correspondence between correlation and 
data reliability: The presence of a low correlation value is not a 
definitive proof of poor quality, but is a valid warning signal 
and has statistical significance. If this hypothesis is true, we can 
carry out a cleaning procedure of the potential inaccurate points 
without a significant loss of quality. 
Figure 3 shows the errors of the depuration of the DEMs as a 
function of the chosen correlation coefficient threshold. The 
huge DFM (with no points yet removed) was denoted as 
MDEOO. (her DEM were generated by previously deleting 
those points whose correlation coefficient was less than a 
threshold value (Table 3). For example, MDESO was the result 
of taking a threshold value 0.50 for the correlation coefficient. 
It can be noted that error did not rise significantly when the 
number of eliminated points is increased, at least until a 
correlation threshold of 0.93 (standard deviation, SD=7.9) or 
0.94 (SD=8.0) is reached. On moving to 0.93, the quality of the 
DEM significantly dropps (SD=12.2). MDE94 contains only 
18.5% of the points of the massive original DEM (MDE00), 
while the MDE93 contains 23%. 
We emphasize that the depuration process does not imply an 
improvement in accuracy statistics, but it contributes to making 
the structure much more manageable in a GIS environment. 
Error (m) 
71. a ati BRE KEN 
>95 >94 >93 >92 >91 >90 >85 >80 >75 >50 all 
Threshold value 9/o 
[= 2«- - 5p —Á4— RMSEz | 
Figure 3. Errors in the DEMs according to the threshold 
value of the minimum acceptable correlation coefficient 
(test of 315 CPs). It’s possible to reduce the initial TIN to 
only 19% of the points without any statistically 
distinguishable loss of quality. 
Automated DEM extraction using cross-track SPOT satellite, 
has been known for 17 years. We concluded that SPOT images 
will provide the opportunity for the generation of DEM with 
RMSE Z-values less than the pixel size. We cannot conclude 
that the accuracy results are affected by other factors. 
Digital photogrammetric procedures generate points which, in 
certain conflictive zones, may not be very reliable. These zones 
are characterized by low correlation values due to the 
radiometric differences between images or because they are in 
the shade where the stereo-matching algorithms do not work 
correctly. The presence of a low value of the correlation is not a 
definitive proof of poor quality, but it is a warning signal. 
Occasionally the converse may be the case: the existence of a 
high value for the correlation may be accidental. The usual case, 
however, is for a certain correspondence between correlation 
and quality of the data. 
Hence, the depuration of a DEM by means of threshold values 
of the correlation coefficients seems to be a simple but effective 
way of reducing the size of the data structure without significant 
loss of quality. The tests that we performed supported this 
hypothesis, and in our working zone we were able to reduce the 
initial TIN to only 19% of the points without any statistically 
distinguishable loss of quality. 
It is to be expected that the optimal correlation threshold will 
depend on such factors as the radiometric quality of the images, 
the geometrical resolution, and even on the stereo-matching 
algorithms used in the DPW. Since quality control procedures 
are always required, however, it is not any great extra burden to 
carry out the type of tests described in the present work in order 
to "lighten" the DEM before it can be regarded as a finished 
One of the problems that can arise is the deficient localization 
of the ground control points. While these points should be 
spread out over all types of relief, the usual case is to take them 
in the more readily accessible zones. Such deficient sampling 

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