Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

stanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
intersection model. Note that the z-coordinate is ignored by the 
function. If, for example, one geometry A is above a geometry 
B and both are disjoint, then the operator SDO GEOM. 
RELATE recognizes erroneously that A and B are not disjoint. 
A (=m A A - B = 
Packs | 
3i E pA 
A Contains B A Covers B A Touch B 
B Inside A B Coveredby A B Touch A 
TT" A PT i 
0 BT 
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A OverlapBdylIntersect B 
B OverlapBdylIntersect A 
A OverlapBdyDisjoint B 
B OverlapBdyDisjoint A 
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A. B! A EH 
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A Equal B 
B Equal A 
A Disjoint B 
B Disjoint A 
Topological relations differentiated by the function 
SDO_GEOM.RELATE, which implements the 4- 
intersection model (Oracle, 2002b). 
Although functions do not use the R-tree index, both concepts 
may be combined in a 3-D query. The operator SDO FILTER 
is employed first to pre-select a superset of the desired 
geometries in an efficient way, using the R-tree index and 
bounding boxes. This set is further refined by a 2-D function 
afterwards. In this way, a two-tier query model may be realized. 
An example of such a query will be given in section 4.1. 
2.2 Object-relational properties 
The database Oracle offers an object-relational extension of the 
relational data model, closing the gap between the object- 
oriented conceptual model, which often is formulated using the 
Unified Modeling Language UML (Booch et al., 1997), and the 
database. Object-relational features in Oracle are object types 
and object views, which specify attributes and methods. They 
are implemented using one or more object tables, being similar 
to relational tables. Object methods, which can be used to 
manipulate the data, are stored with the table definition. The 
concept of inheritance allows the specification of super- and 
subtypes, which will be mapped on relational tables by the 
database management system. An object table may have 
references to other object types, allowing navigational access 
and replacing the relational concept of foreign keys. 
In the relational data model, the columns of tables are restricted 
to contain simple data types. In contrast, the columns object 
tables may be whole objects or whole tables, which are called 
nested tables. Nested tables provide a convenient means to 
represent m:n-relations between object tables. In relational 
tables, the representation of these relations requires an 
additional table, too. But a nested table is embedded into an 
object table, simplifying the handling of the relation. An 
example for a nested table embedded in an object table is 
depicted in Figure 3. The first row of the object table has 
relations to three objects, which are identified by A11, A12 and 
The efficiency of nested tables may be improved by using 
indices. The database arranges the order of the rows according 
to the order of the corresponding rows in the superior object 
1 x 
: Storage Table Uu 
Siorage for [A 
nested -- 
table À 
Storage for 
nastad — 
table B 
Storage for 
table C 
Storage for 
nested — : 
table D fi 
Storage for 
nested ---- 
table E 
Figure 3: Example for a nested table, embedded in an object 
8 F 
table. Each row of this object table corresponds to 
several rows in the nested table, representing a m:n- 
relation The figure is taken from (Oracle, 2002a). 
This section describes how the multi-functional 3-D city model 
presented in (Kolbe & Gröger, 2003) was implemented in 
Oracle 9i Spatial and which difficulties occurred due to some 
deficiencies of this database. First, the geometry data types of 
Oracle Spatial do not provide explicit topological relations 
between geometric components, which are crucial for 
representing 3-D city models. Thus topology had to be modeled 
using standard object-relational, non-spatial tables. To get 
benefit from the efficient spatial index structure, the spatial data 
types are used in addition, obtaining a double representation of 
spatial properties, which is redundant to a certain degree. In the 
following, the topological level of the database schema is 
discussed first, the aggregation level afterwards, and finally the 
representation of the geometry using the Spatial extension of 
Oracle. The complete database scheme is depicted in Figure 4. 
At the bottom of Figure 4, the primitives vertex, edge, face and 
solid as well as their topological relations are represented, 
according to the well-known Boundary Representation (Foley 
et al., 1995; Herring, 2001). Each primitive is stored in a single 
table. Rings are employed to differentiate outer boundaries 
from inner boundaries of faces, i.e. holes. The various m:n- 
relations betwcen the topological primitives are implemented 
by the object-relational concept of nested tables. For example, a 
solid is bounded by several faces. Thus one column of the solid 
table is a nested table called FaceListNestedTab, cach row of 
which contains a reference to a bounding face of the solid. In a 
similar way, the relations between a face and its interior rings 

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