Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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ommunication ODBC 
Mobile Client 4*--——-—-— - Synchronization Server «—» Database Server 
Fig.3 The three-tier architecture of wireless GIS database 
As Fig.3 and Fig.4 shows, WGIS mobile database is utilized a 
synchronization server to promote the efficiency of spatial data 
synchronization. [t provides a replication model for database 
server (DBSVR) and WGIS. Besides, it ensures serializability 
and consistency of the mobile database system through the 
reconciliation of transaction-level conflict. 
The function of Sync Server which is connected wireless 
communication interface is making distributed processing, 
controlling spatial data exchange with WGIS and database 
server, and sustaining a wireless cell. Mobile client conserves a 
database duplicated copy, and through the GIS manages local 
geographic database. With the ODBC interface, sync server 
could exchange spatial data with database server. 
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Fig. 4 The three-tier WGIS replication model 
4.3 Replication dynamic 
Replication is a general technique to increase the data 
availability. However, the generally available replication 
technologies assume the deployment on a fixed distributed 
According to the behaviour of replicas in replication schemes, 
we can categorize the schemes into two replications, static 
replication and dynamic replication. In this paper, dynamic 
replication for wireless GIS database is considered. 
In static replication schemes, the location and the number of 
replicas are chosen prior to the deployment. Traditional 
replication schemes, for example, fall into this category. 
Manual recalculation of the access cost and redistribution of 
replicas are necessary to reflect newly accessing patterns. In a 
mobile environment, however, static replication schemes may 
not perform well since the assumptions about fixed locations 
and static accessing patterns are no longer held. 
On the other hand, in dynamic replication schemes, the location 
and/ or the number of replicas are changed to follow the 
accessing patterns to data being replicated. Dynamic replication 
schemes try to overcome the problems mentioned above by 
continuously maintaining statistics about accessing patterns 
and/or system workload so as to dynamically recalculate access 
cost and reconfigure the replication structure to adapt to the 
changes in accessing patterns. In general, this is desirable for a 
mobile environment. 
In a mobile environment, however, mobile hosts are dynamic. 
They could move to anywhere and for unpredictable length of 
time. Furthermore, the users of replicas may need to work at 
several *well-known' sites. In such cases, it may be more 
advantageous to deploy multi-replication, i.e., placing a replica 
on each “activity centre’ of its users. 
In a mobile computing environment, however, mobile hosts can 
move anywhere and anytime, resulting in a highly dynamic 
system. Accordingly, the centre of activity of replica readers is 
not static in general. Not only that, the ability of mobile users to 
move can also make it more costly to find current location of 
mobile users and of course the replicas if they are dynamic. In 
this sense, it is necessary to take a balance between the cost of 
finding location and replica maintenance. 
In this section, the comparison of the dynamic multi-tier 
replication and dynamic-single replication strategy strategies 
for wireless databases, which combine the two aspects of 
replication policies mentioned above, is performed. We intend 
to show how some important parameters related to the 
characteristics of data access in wireless environment affect the 
performance of these strategies. 
As the performance measure, the average access cost of data is 
used. In a network environment, cost is mostly associated with 
the number of network packets transferred to do an activity 
which is observed until it is completed. In a mobile computing 
environment, generally, network packets can be divided into 
two classifications, i.e., the data packet and the signal packet. 
The data packet consists of user data transferred from the server 
to the client and vice versa. On the other hand, the signal packet 
consists of data such as routing information, location lookup, 
and location update used by the system,. However, for the 
reasons mentioned below, we simply ignore the signal packet 
from our model. 
Generally, the size of the signal packet is much smaller than 
that of the data packet. Thus, when considering both of them, 
ignoring the signal packet will improve the clarity of analysis 
and the resulting observation on the characteristic of each 
strategy. In a mobile environment, signal packets are exchanged 
using a separated channel from data packets. Therefore, 
separating the analysis of these two kinds of packets is more 
logical and makes our model closer to the real situation in 
mobile computing environments. 
Without losing the generality, 50 mobile users are assumed to 
be sharing their databases with each other. The accesses include 
both ‘read’ and ‘update’. Access requests arrive according to 
the Poisson distribution and the access configuration, i.e., the 
portions of ‘read’ and ‘update’, are determined by the ‘write’ 
ratio. We assume that an update operation will be preceded by a 
‘read’ operation. 
As for dynamic replication strategies, the implementations are 
as follows. As indicated by the name, the dynamic-single 
replication strategy is implemented by making each master 
database to only have single replica. In this strategy, each 
replica is initially allocated on the home location. As the 
simulation runs, mobile users start to move and access the 
shared data. The replication manager in the registration area 
where the user resides currently records every ‘read’ request 
from a mobile user. Periodically, the access statistics from all 
registration areas are collected and compared. Based on the 
comparison result, the system makes a replica relocated to the 
registration area where the ‘read’ accesses to it are requested 
mostly, and the statistics is reinitialized. In this way, the 
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