Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
dynamic-single replication strategy is equal to user's major 
replica allocation. 
As for the dynamic multi-replication strategy, the adaptive data 
replication (ADR) with some modifications is adopted. The 
original ADR, metaphorically, forms a variable-size that stays 
connected at all times, and constantly moves towards the 'centre 
of read-write activity'. The replication scheme expands as the 
‘read’ activity increases and contracts as the ‘write’ activity 
increases. In our model, we have assumed that the replicas are 
allocated on the replica servers associated with registration 
areas. That means, the dynamic multi-replication strategy does 
not assume any connected situation. 
However, as in the original ADR, ‘read’ the closest replica 
serves requests and all access requests (including the updates) 
are recorded. In each registration area, the access statistics are 
periodically tested. A replica of data is made available in a 
registration area if, during the access statistic evaluation period, 
the number of its ‘read’ is greater than the number of its ‘write’. 
Otherwise, the registration area will cease keeping the replica. 
In this way, the replication level changes dynamically 
following the read-write patterns but it is guaranteed that at 
least one replica for each data exists in the fixed network. 
In general, the average access cost increases in all strategies 
when the network scales up. However, the way the access cost 
increases in each strategy is slightly different, depending on the 
‘move’ and ‘update’ frequencies. 
In a wireless GIS environment, it is possible to access data 
anytime and anywhere without a fixed network. In this paper, 
we discussed distributed spatial data transferring strategies and 
the replication strategies the wireless GIS, it is possible to 
improve the availability of wireless GIS which such a 
technology. Due to the use of wireless network, WGIS may 
have very low availability without the effectively transferring 
scheme and data storage strategies. This may lead inefficiency 
in data sharing and interoperation among mobile users. 
In this paper, we introduced the characteristics of wireless GIS 
transferring and storage. The basic framework and the 
environment of WGIS are deployed in an integrated network. 
By analysing the distributed wireless data transferring scheme, 
it was found that it depends on both software and hardware 
technologies in order to improve WGIS transfers and increasing 
transferring velocity. The possible solutions may include for 
example, to spread software protocol and employ new mobile 
The performance of replication strategies depends on many 
factors, such as network scale, mobility, access ratio and access 
concentration. It was found that in most circumstances, 
dynamic replication strategies excel to static replication 
Strategies, and the performance of the dynamic multi-tiers 
replication strategies is the best. 
Nowadays, the wireless equipments become more and more 
excessive and wireless GIS has been applied in many fields,, 
for example, business, retail, medicine, etc. Spatial data 
transferring and storage in distributed wireless GIS is a 
challenge area to be further developed. More and more 
comprehensive GIS application with 'wired velocity, infinity 
freedom' will be realized. 
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Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, 
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan. 
Cecila Mascolo, Licia Capra, Wlofang Emmerich, Mobile 
Computing Midddleware. Dept. of Computer Science, 
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