Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
designing process of TUTGA densification. Thereafter only the 
new collected information might be integrated with the existing 
The new datum and coordinate system of Turkey is the datum 
and coordinates system of TUTGA. Especially in remote 
sensing applications in order to orient and scale images remote 
sensing people use hand held GPS or small scale maps such as 
1:25000 scales in Turkey. As is very well known that 
achievement of most accurate coordinate of using hand held 
GPS is about 10 to 15 meters and of using small scale is about 
10 to 20 meters. 
More over using hand held GPS provide the coordinates on 
WGS84 datum which is not used in Turkey and small scale 
maps based on ED$0 datum which has deformation and 
distortion problems. Therefore in that case whichever accurate 
images are used orientation and scaling of an image can only be 
successful within 10s of meters range. However surveying 
profession discusses on using high resolution remote sensing 
images for large scale and even for cadastral applications, 
today. Therefore geodetic infrastructure of Turkey should be 
well understood and whichever type of work carried out is 
primarily designed based on TUTGA. 
Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and GPS might be counted 
as latest and fastest data collection technologies for GIS today. 
However both Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry need 
support of GPS or similar or conventional geodetic positioning 
technology for locating, orienting and scaling the images. 
Therefore they might be mentioned as indirect geo-data 
collection technologies. In that case their integration with 
geodetic infrastructure can be realised using GPS or terrestrial 
positioning techniques. 
There are recently two types of geodetic infrastructure called as 
TUTGA and National Geodetic Network in Turkey. So, both 
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric works should be 
connected one of them or both. These two geodetic 
infrastructures are transformable each other in several meter 
level precession. However their transformability is better (S to 
15 cm level) in some region such as istanbul, izmir, Zonguldak, 
Sakarya and etc. because of densification networks of TUTGA. 
These precise transformation parameters can be obtained from 
local governmental organisations and — municipalities. 
Especially for these regions there might be no problem using 
geodetic infrastructure for any kind of Remote Sensing and 
Photogrammetric applications. In other words geodetic 
infrastructure for these regions will fit all the requirements of 
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry technology. 
However for small scale applications of Remote Sensing and 
Photogrammetry TUTGA will compensate all most all 
expectations from a geodetic infrastructure. As is previously 
mentioned TUTGA is a modern geodetic network in 4D. The 
only short of TUTGA is its dense. However, today all most all 
remote sensing images and technologies are used for small scale 
applications. In that case it might be correct to mention that 
TUTGA is sufficient for small scale remote sensing and 
photogrammetric applications. However for large scale 
applications it needs to be condensed and its precisely 
transformable connections with all existing geodetic networks 
must be formed. 
As a result the geodetic infrastructure of Turkey is sufficient for 
all type of small scale Remote Sensing and GIS applications 
today and it needs to be condensed for large scale 
Photogrammetric, Remote Sensing and GPS and GIS 
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Cografi Bilgi Sistemlerinin Jeodezik Altyapisi, Cografi Bilgi 
Sistemleri ve Jeodezik Aglar Calistayi, Türkiye Ulusal Jeodezi 
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