Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
spatial properties. Furthermore, a spatial data type for the 
specification of solids is missing. Spatial queries are restricted 
to two dimensions, apart from the efficient filter operator, 
which considers three dimensions. These 3-D queries are 
sufficient for many applications of 3-D city models, but too 
restricted for other relevant queries, for example for checking 
the consistency of the model. 
The next step is the extension of the model by a variety of 
thematic objects relevant for 3D city models, including the 
corresponding attributes as well as aggregation and 
gencralization hierarchies. Efficient visualization and analyses 
will be obtained by allowing multiple representations of a 
single thematic object in different levels of detail (Kolbe & 
Gróger 2003). A further extension will be the integration of the 
relief structure using Triangulated Irregular Networks. 
The long-term objective of the database is to extend it to a 3-D 
GIS prototype, which is a platform for various 3-D research 
projects. In the context of spatial data infrastructures, the 
database will provide services to get access to data in an 
interoperable way. An example is the provision of GML 3 data, 
thus extending OGC's Web Feature Service (Open GIS 
Consortium, 2002), which is limited to 2-D data currently. 
Arens, C., Stoter, J. & van Oosterom, P.J.M., 2003. Modelling 
3D spatial objects in a GEO-DBMS using a 3D primitive, 
AGILE conference, April 2003, Lyon, France. 
Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J. & Jacobson, I. 1997: Unified 
Modeling Language User Guide. Addison-Wesley. 
Cox, S., Daisy, P., Lake, R., Portele, C. & Whiteside, A., 2003: 
OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML3), Imple- 
mentation Specification Version 3.00, OGC Doc. No. 02-023r4. 
Egenhofer, M.J. & Herring, J.R., 1990. Categorizing Binary 
Topological Relations Between Regions, Lines, and Points in 
Geographic Databases. Technical report, Department of 
Surveying Engineering, University of Maine. 
Foley, J., van Dam, A., Feiner, S. & Hughes, J., 1995: Compu- 
ter Graphics: Principles and Practice. Addison Wesley, 2nd 
Guttman, A., 1984. R-trees: a dynamic index structure for 
spatial searching. S/GMOD Record (ACM Special Interest 
Group on Management of Data), 14(2):47-57(1984). 
Herring, J., 2001: The OpenGIS Abstract Specification, Topic 
1: Feature Geometry (ISO 19107 Spatial Schema), Version 5. 
OGC Document Number 01-101. 
Kolbe, T. H. & Gróger, G., 2003: Towards Unified 3D-City- 
Models. In: Proc. of. ISPRS Commission IV Joint Workshop on 
Challenges in Geospatial Analysis. Integration and 
Visualization IT, September 8 - 9, Stuttgart, Germany. 
Köninger, A. & Bartel, S., 1998: 3D-GIS for Urban Purposes, 
Geoinformatica, 2(1):79-1 03(1998). 
Mäntylä, M., 1988, An Introduction 10 Solid Modeling, 
Rockville, Maryland: Computer Science Press. 
Molenaar, M., 1992: A topology for 3D vector maps. ITC 
Journal 1992-1, The International Institute for Aerospace Sur- 
vey and Earth Sciences, The Netherlands. 
Open GIS Consortium, 1999. OpenGIS Simple Features Speci- 
fication for SQL, Revision 1.1, OpenGIS Doc. No. 99-049. 
OpenGIS Consortium, 2002. Web Feature Service Implemen- 
tation Specification. Version: 1.0.0, OpenGIS Doc. No. 02-058 
Oracle, 2002a. Oracle 9i Application Developer's Guide — 
Object-relational Features, Release 2 (9.2). 
Oracle, 2002b. Oracle Spatial — User's Guide and Reference, 
Release 9.2. 
Pfund, M., 2002. 3D GIS Architecture, A Topological Data 
Structure, G/M International, Vol 16. Feb. 2002. 
Reuter, M., 2003. Implementierung eines 3D-Stadtmodells in 
einer objekt-relationalen Datenbank am Beispiel von Oracle 
Spatial (Implementation of a 3-D city model in a object-rela- 
tional database, considering Oracle Spatial as example). 
Diploma Thesis. Institute for Cartography and Geoinformation, 
University of Bonn, Germany (in German). 
Rikkers, R., Molenaar, M. & Stuiver, J., 1994. A query 
orientated implementation of a topologic data structure for 3- 
dimensional vector maps, /nt. J. Geographical Information 
Systems, 8(3):243-260(1994). 
Stoter. J.E. & van Oosterom, P.J.M., 2002. 3D Data Modelling 
in a Geo-DBMS In: Proceedings GlScience, Boulder, Colorado, 
Ullman, J.D., 1988: Principles of Database and Knowledge- 
Base Svstems, Vol. 1, Computer Science Press. 
Zlatanova, S., 2000: 3D GIS for Urban Development. PhD 
Thesis, ITC Dissertation Series No. 69, The International Insti- 
tute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, The Netherlands. 
Zlatanova, S. & Holweg, D., 2004: 3D Geo-information in 
emergency response: a framework. In: Proceedings of the 
Fourth International Symposium on Mobile Mapping 
Technology (MMT'2004), March 29-31, Kunming, China. 
We thank Thomas H. Kolbe, Viktor Stroh and Ingo Petzold for 
discussions, which helped to generate and clarify the ideas 
described here. 
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