Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The primary design objectives of the DIM system are such 
e The entire system must operate on the Internet 
using standard browser technology. 
e The system must provide access to the 
government digital image data holdings. 
e Users should be able to download “original data 
“in a reasonable time without training or special 
software. (Note: large file sizes will be 
addressed through data compression and 
improved bandwidth.). 
e The system must require minimal maintenance 
by network and system staff. 
e The system must utilize standard computing 
hardware that can be easily integrated with 
existing services, equipment, and personnel. 
e The system design must be extensible and based 
on Standard Off-the Shelf Software (SCOTS) 
when feasible. 
e The system must work with the hardware and 
software that B.C. government currently uses to 
manage other geo-referenced data. 
e The system must be able to deliver raster image 
data to a vast array of different client 
infrastructure and application environments. 
The scope of the DIM program has not changed 
following the initiation of the program in year 2001. 
The re-structuring and amalgamation of BC resource 
ministries has had an effect on the alignment of the 
stakeholders and the potential for changes in the 
coordination of the delivery of the DIM program. 
. The DIM program has been reconfigured into three 
phases to accommodate the broader corporate IT 
infrastructure of the BC Ministry of Sustainable 
Resource Management (MSRM) and to realize some 
short-term delivery successes. It should be noted that 
there would be many projects that are undertaken 
within each of the three phases. The three Phases are: 
Phase I 
Phase I included various activities, including a review 
and assessment of the data management and technical 
architecture requirements for digital imagery as well 
as recommendations for future development. There 
are a number of reports produced for this phase. They 
e Duta Management Architecture and 
* Transition Strategy and Migration Plan. 
e Current Assessment and Future Direction. 
e Software Evaluation and Selection Criteria. 
e Migration Strategy. 
Each of these documents is available on the DIM 
program website at: 
eo  http://www.gov.bc.ca 
These reports are the primary references to the design 
objectives and the implementation of the DIM 
program for Base Mapping and Geomatic Services in 
British Columbia. The content and direction outlined 
in these reports lays the foundation for the long-term 
structure of the DIM program. The design proposal 
was constrained by the Data Management Review 
documents for BMGS. Changes to BC government 
organization and IT architecture compelled a review 
and acceptance of the recommendations made in this 
report. The vetting of these reports has been rolled 
into Phase II to ensure consistency with the current re- 
architecture of the MSRM corporate IT infrastructure. 
Phase II 
The scope of Phase II includes: 
e A governance model for the program. 
e Prove of concept by the delivery of 
orthophotos to internal government desk top 
applications as short-term solutions to 
image access. 
e Program plan for Phase Ill. 
Phase IH 
The scope of Phase III includes: 
e Long-term digital image delivery through 
Internet and integration into MSRM data 
se DIM program architecture consisting of 
image cataloguing, database management 
including imagery and metadata, software 
and hardware selection and acquisition, and 
e Service delivery model. 
e Ongoing program management and policy 
review issues. 
Data Sources 
The basic image data contained within the scope of 
the program will be from these sources: 
e Digital raw imagery scanned from the aerial 
photography diapositives or predominantly 
the negatives. 
e  Orthophotography which are created from 
digital raw images that have under gone 
significant photogrammetric processing to 
create an "image map “. 
e Satellite digital imagery, which are ortho- 
rectified, and raw satellite imagery such as, 
Landsat, IRS, IKONOS, SPOT, and Quick 
e Digital Elevation Models (DEM). 
e Stereo Models for Photogrammetric map 
The seven primary software components of the DIM 
program are as: 
e Raster (Image) Management Applications. 
e Raster (Image) File Access Server. 
e Raster (Image) Discovery Application. 
e Raster (Image) Order Placement and 
Fulfilment Application. 
e OGC Compliant Web Feature service 
(WFS) Server. 
e OGC Compliant Web Map service (WMS) 
Pe NAS — b n s 9 

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