Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
system will be compared GCP image which is generated from 
satellite image of the past with the current image. 
Figure 4 shows the procedure for the proposed image matching. 
GCP images, 
Sub-images in search region 
F[R Wavelet 
im 3 
For all 
directional bands(m) 
» P ME TE 
im im 
Energy. Analysis 
(a) Procedure for Energy Analysis 
For all non-overlapped sub-images in 
Search region 
Energy Analysis 
Compare(Pom Pin) — 
Best match with 
minimum distortion 
(b) Matching Procedure 
Figure 4. Image Matching by Wavelet Transform 
In the Figure 4-(a), see the equation (1). 
TE Y WC, (1) 
The symbol WC; denotes wavelet coefficients in Ath band on 
the layer j, and if i equals zero, it means chip image, otherwise, 
non-overlapped images in search region. Therefore, the symbol 
TE is the total energy of wavelet transform domain except the 
lowest frequency band. Assume that & denotes the following, 
[= band, if 0 
k =4 LH band, if 1 (2) 
Len band, if 2 
The next equation 
EQ WC, (3) 
represents energy of wavelet coefficients as equation (1), 
however, it’s not ‘total’, but energy of directional bands. It 
differs from ‘4’ because ‘m’ includes all bands on the same 
direction. The meaning can be expressed with m = {horizontal = 
0, vertical = 1, horizontal = 2}. Although two images are almost 
the same, we can not sure that energy distribution of two 
images is the same because circumstances of the images such as 
brightness, noise, may be not identical. So, the final step in the 
analysis is the normalization of energy. 
Figure 4-(b) shows the proposed matching process. For the 
matching, first of all, search region or reference image must be 
decomposed into non-overlapped sub images. And then, energy 
of transform domain will be calculated after wavelet transform 
is applied to each sub image. From the figure 4-(a) and figure 2, 
we know that the variable P;, is the parameter of GCP database. 
Final matching step is to compare Py, of GCP with P,, of sub 
Two images are used to the experimental result, Landsat ETM+ 
image as reference which was down-linked on September, 1999 
and GCP image of October 2000. 
(a) Original Image 
| (b) Matched Image 
Figure 5. The experimental result 
Although the chip image is more blurred than matched image of 
the original, the simulation result showed good result. This 
comes from the property of the proposed method that detects 
directional of energy in transform domain. 
This paper proposed the compression method for an efficient 
management of satellite image and the image matching scheme. 
The proposed image matching can be efficiently used in 
application fields that a reference image has a distinct edge 
although there is loss in background contents. In the future, the 
matching method will be developed so that the matching is 
operated on compressed stream immediately. 
Ghassemian, H., 2001. Multispectral image compression by an 
on-board scene segmentation, In Proc of IEEE, pp.91-93. 
Mittal, M.L., 1999. An efficient and fast compression technique 
for multispectral browse images, In Proc. of IEEE, ppl177- 
Park, J.H., 2002. New compression scheme for multispectral 
images, Proc. of ISRS, pp. 565-568, 2002 
|! (c) Magnified Chip Image 

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