Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
History has many times demonstrated that a low cognitive 
level, the consequent reduction of renewable resources, and 
the consequent decrease in the quality of life, may produce 
tensions in the resident population with adverse effects on the 
growing level of civilization. 
Among anthropic transformation the latter it is worth 
mentioning the “stone grinding operations” which have 
interested to a significant degree the south-eastern area of 
existing grassland and which have reached a peak of 
transformation activity precisely during the central phase of 
the present study. 
The temporal reliability of the information levels provided is 
therefore tightly bounded to such activities that have caused, 
briefly speaking and from a cartographic point of view, 
transformations in the land use representation, the demolition 
of dry-stone wall boundaries, the flattening of small 
irregularities in altimetry, the destruction of significant parts 
of the secondary road network. Different evaluations of such 
radical interventions of agricultural transformation could be 
made from a morphological, agronomical and hydraulic point 
of view. 
An in-depth analysis of the territorial survey methodologies 
has allowed to chose those techniques that appear to be more 
mature and diffuse in such field and that have been applied in 
conjunction with modern digital technology and with 
structures and formats widely used at the regional and 
national level, despite the various obstacles encountered. 
The geographic Databases used for multitemporal analyses 
are are essentially: 
- Digital orthophotos, nominal scale of 1:10.000, 
produced for Italian Ministry of Agricultural Affair, 
from the 1997 and 2001 aerial photo coverages. 
- Digital cartography on a scale of 1:25.000 produced in 
1999/2000 from the aerial photo coverage of July 1999; 
-  ]konos High resolution panchromatic image of May 
The abovementioned cartographic levels, vectorial as well as 
raster, are analysable, being univocally referenced, in a 
hybrid CAD environment as well as in a GIS one. An 
accurate analysis of metadata (which include useful 
information particularly in order to assess the cartographic 
tolerances) will always be necessary to evaluate in a correct 
way the geometrical variations arising form maps of different 
periods and with considerably different scale of 
After an initial phase, based on the historical (1976) raster 
mosaic of 1:50.000 [.G.M. cartography, the working group, 
since august 1999, started to operate on the digital 
orthophotos acquired from the Ministry of Agricultural 
Affairs and produced for the AIMA and AGEA (technical 
partners of the Ministry). The cartographic product, supplied 
on digital support in *. TIFF and *.SID raster format, is 
associated with numerical data (World file) necessary for the 
geo-referencing to the National Cartographic System “Gauss- 
Boaga". The production technique of the 1:10.000 digital 
orthophoto-map (based, as far as Puglia is concerned, on the 
aerial-photo coverage of July 1997and 2001) follows the 
more updated production procedures currently available: 
- B/W  aerial-photo coverage , nominal photo-scale 
1:40.000, acquired on high-resolution film and FMC 
cameras, in order to compensate the photographic effect 
of forward motion. 
- Photograph  digitalization by a photogrammetric 
scanner, of adequate radiometric resolution, with a pixel 
dimension of 25pm (1000dpi) at a photo-scale 
corresponding to a Im ground resolution. 
- Adjustment of an aerotriangulated block oriented on the 
Italian National Trigonometric and GPS 1GM95 
- . Creation of a automatically correlated DEM of images 
with a variable dimension grid, with regard to the 
uneven altimetry of the terrain (always lower than 
100x100m and up to 20x20m). 
-  Orthoprojection and digital mosaicking of images with 
equalization of grey tones, to conceal the seaming 
The files produced in such a way, used alone or after 
resampling and mosaicking at smaller scales, formed an 
indispensable base for the numeric photo-interpretation of 
some important themes of analysis: 
- Woodlands subdivided by 
homogeneous sections, etc.; 
- A Agricultural areas used as pasture; 
- A Zones for extensive and semi-extensive agriculture; 
- . Extension, positioning and dynamics of the quarryng 
- Localisation of territorial transformations such as 
surfaces subject to “stone grinding operations”, 
cultivation in the flood-bed of "lame" (typical karstic 
fissure of Apulia), etc.; 
- Outlining of the perimeter of military areas (concealed 
according to the law n.1732/1939 and liberalized since 
February 2000) and assessment of existing military 
- Detailed analysis of proposed boundaries within a 
evolving territorial situation. 
typology, density 
Fig.3. 1999 orthophoto coverage of National Park. 
The great usefulness of the used product, characterised by 
high legibility and capable of a plotting up to a scale of 
1:5.000, has been confirmed by the simple photo- 
interpretative overlay operations, conducted by specialised 
consultants, by mean of digital monoscopy in a general- 
purpose CAD environment and subsequently imported in a 
GIS environment. The simultaneous production of the 
corresponding raster plotting allowed the same experts to 

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