Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Peter Winkler, 
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMD. 
H-1592. Budapest. Po. box 585 - Hungary 
WG IV/5 
Keywords: Photogammetry, GIS, aerial triangulation, data mining, orthoimages, digital elevation model, meta database, quality 
Within the frame of the European Harmonization Program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, three nation-wide 
connected projects were launched by FÔMI in 2000 to be carried out during 3 years. These are the following: a.) “Wall to wall Aerial 
Photography of Hungary”; b.) Creation of a Sm x 5m/1 m Resolution DEM of Hungary; ¢.) Set-up of Full Digital Orthophoto 
Coverage of Hungary. The project "Aerial Photography of Hungary 2000" was finished successfully during a relatively short period 
of time (3 month). Now, about 7000 aerial photos at scale 1:30 000 in analogue and digital forms are available in the archives of 
As a result of the projects completed in the past 30 years till 1999, Hungary is covered now by ~ 4100 topographic map sheets at 
scale 1:10 000 in analogue form. The estimated and overall quality-controlled accuracy of contour lines is + 0.5 - € 1.5 m, in line 
with the national standard. This served as a basis for creating a high-resolution DEM of Hungary. The vectorization of the contour 
lines for the whole country was finished in May 2003. A complete photogrammetric technology was elaborated: analytical and 
digital aerial triangulation based on existing 4^ order national triangulation network for determining the orientation elements of each 
aerial photo. The technology includes the creation of orthophotos on the base of DEM derived from topo-map contour lines and also 
the orientation elements of aerial photos adjusted for the whole country. During the creation of digital orthophotos a technology for 
overall quality control of the full process was applied. In line with this new quality control technology, we used the highly precise 
triangulation network of Hungary, (more than 50 000 points), ground-truth GPS measurements and other techniques. As a result of 
the quality control, the estimated accuracy of the DEM (consisting of about 4 billion raster points) is about + 0.7 m in Z; the 
accuracy of digital orthophotos is about + 0.6 m in X and Y co-ordinates.The quality-checked orthophotos of high resolution were 
archived as part of a metadata base and are available for the use by end-users of several professions and can serve as common spatial 
reference for the Hungarian GIS and RS systems. 
Background the geometric order of the country. One can understand its 
A modernization programme of the Hungarian Republic importance in the national economy, considering its possible 
contains among others the aerial survey of Hungary as an use at various levels (national, regional, local and further on 
independent duty, based on a Government Decree. Within the continental) and in various sectors (environmental protection, 
framework of the ANP (ANP = Acquis National Programme) agriculture, water management, civil security, regional 
EU harmonization programme (1,2) later on supported by the development etc.). 
Department of Lands and Mapping of the Ministry of Our intention was to produce aerial photographs, which can 
Agriculture and Rural Development (DLM MARD), three serve as a basis of satisfying multipurpose user demands: 
large, interconnected programmes were launched (under |. Digital data for the Hungarian Topographic 
common name: Digital Orthophoto Programme of Hungary — Programme. 
MADOP) in 2000 for: 2. Correction/revision of EOV topographic maps at scale 
. Aerial photography of Hungary at scale 1:30 000; 1:10 000, using digital orthophotos. 
e Creating 5m x 5m grid size DEM (Digital Elevation 3. Digital orthophotos for the National Cadastre 
Model) of +1 m accuracy in Z; Programme, supporting the planning of the digital 
revision of maps of rural areas at scale of 1:4 000. 
4. Parcel-level digital photomaps for supporting the 
performance of duties connected to the IACS 
(Integrated Administration and Control System for 
future EU agrarian subsidy). 
e Using the data resulting from the above two activities, 
setting up a full digital orthophoto coverage of Hungary 
that corresponds to scale 1:10 000. 
The primary aim of the aerial survey of the country performed 
everywhere in almost identical period of time and in uniform 
scale was to develop a digital image database covering the Providing up-to-date data for regional planning in areas 
whole territory of Hungary in the Uniform National Projection damaged by floods or the waterlog. 
System (EQV) that corresponds to the scale 1:10 000, of a 6. Additional information for developing the CORINE 
1:50 000 land cover database. 
7. Performing interpretation jobs of various purposes in 
other fields of activity. 
resolution at least 1m. It was planned to reach this goal by 
digital photogrammetric processing of the aerial photographs 
taken with metric camera and using the existing map base. The 
resulting database — beyond its further use for cartographic 8. Any others..... 
purposes — can serve as a basis for setting up any optional GIS, 
providing compatibility/interoperability of and connecting 1. Aerial Survey of Hungary, 2000" (3) 
To ease the selection of such a scale for the aerial survey, 
similar systems developed for various purposes in various 
which covers the whole country and can be produced and 
places, in the interest of assuring an easily handling system for 
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