Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
handled easily, also allows multipurpose use, we prepared the 
flight plans for aerial survey at various scales. The calculations 
were performed so that Hungary was placed into an imaginary 
rectangle. On this basis, a comparative analytic table (Table I) 
was made to help the decision-making concerning this 
countrywide aerial survey campaign. 
Table 1 Aerial mission planning data for decision-making 
Scale of | Number of | Duration of Ground Scanning 
the aerial | photograp the aerial resolution of | 21pm: one 
survey hs survey (incl. the aerial picture is 
(pes) turns) photographs 375 MB 
in hours (in cm) 
1:10 000 58 812 192 8-12 221 TB 
1:20 000 14 732 96 20 - 25 SSTD 
1:25 000 9338 77 25-32 345 TB 
[1:30 000 | 6591 65 30-36 | 2,5TB 
Note to Table 1: We performed similar analytic calculations for various 
aperture before selecting the 21 um aperture for scanning, too. 
After examining the economic efficiency of the aerial 
photography and the photogrammetric processing, we decided 
to use 1:30 000 scale for aerial survey. When using this scale — 
confirmed by the data in the Table 1 — we can achieve almost 
identical goals of usage, also compared to scale 1:25 000, if we 
process an amount of images less by 50%. 
In the year of Millennium 2000 the winning company of the 
public procurement procedure, EUROSENSE Ltd. successfully 
performed the aerial survey of the whole area of Hungary 
within about three months and in conformity with the very 
strict ,, Technical specification”, elaborated by FÓMI. (4). 
The number of photographs aquisited within the programme 
Aerial Survey of Hungary 2000” and handed over to FOMI for 
archiving and data supply services is listed in Table 2. 
Table 2 Number of photographs archived by FOMI 
Number of repetitions All Digital | Colour 
projec | images slides 
ES 25 3% [4%] tion pes pes 
Number of 
projection | 5884 719 32 | 7 | 6642 
Including 5884 | 1438 | 96 | 2 7446 
| repetitions 8 
over to 6667 7446 
2. Producing Digital Orthophotos 
The technology of producing digital orthophotos can be shown 
in three main steps (5), (see figure): 
Step I. Determining the absolute orientation elements of 
the images by aerial triangulation using bundle adjustment. 
Step I. Producing the digital elevation model (DEM). 
Step III. Production of digital orthophoto by simultaneous 
use of data determined in Steps 1. and 2. and transforming 
the image elements pixel by pixel. 
Beyond the use of high-tech technologic instruments and 
keeping strict technological discipline, significant amount of 
Work time and costs are necessary to perform all these. 
Therefore, when carrying out this countrywide job, a uniform 
technology should be applied, which 
* Provides the maximum accuracy, which can 
economically be achieved from the given aerial 
e Considers the opportunities offered both by 
traditional and up-to-date ^ photogrammetric 
e Is optimal in duration, beyond its cost-efficient, 
economical technical solution; 
e Is built on the national databases developed by FÓMI 
during several decades and representing significant 
* Provides the uniform quality and accuracy of the 
digital orthophotos, wherever they were produced; 
e Provides the state acceptance of the orthophotos with 
a certificate guaranteeing their quality; 
e Supports the development of metadatabase needed for 
further marketing and archiving; 
e Serves as a basis for the revision of the EOV 
topographic maps at scale 1:10 000 and the start of 
the Hungarian Topographic Programme. 
Figure 1: Main steps of producing orthophotos 
'h B 
: Ji Ta 
D, ! C 
! Map 
A’g Bg Cy 
2.1. Aerial Triangulation 
The development of the fourth order geodetic triangulation 
network of Hungary started in mid seventies and was finished 
by 1992. In accordance with the specifications, the density of 
the fourth order points is 1 point/2 km^ in rural areas, while 
denser in the built-up areas, i.e. less than 1 point/l km“ The 
accuracy of the fourth order network is very good: + 3-4 cm. 
The network is built on the points of the higher order 
triangulation network, so it forms a counfrywide uniform 
geometric basis. 
When realizing MADOP, it was advisable to match the blocks 
of aerotriangulations to those points. The accuracy of the fourth 
order points is much better than the accuracy values, which can 
be achieved from aerial images at scale 1:30 000, so they serve 
as a reliable basis for geometric matching of the aerial 
triangulation blocks. As a result of the aerotriangulation block 
adjustment, we have got the orientation parameters of the 
individual aerial photographs (see the figure, step 1), which 
enable us to fit the aerial photographs into the national 
geodetic control network within the error limit of the aerial 
triangulation. The accuracy of the orientation parameters of the 
aerial photographs and the reliability of the DEM together will 
determine the accuracy of the digital orthoimages to be 
produced, i.e. the accuracy of the matching into the national 
geodetic control network. 

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