Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
e the minimum correlation between homologous points 
(default value is 0.70). 
The “outlier rejection algorithm” frame is used to specify the 
method to be applied to remove blunders from the set of 
computed CPs; an affine or a 2" order polynomial transform 
may be selected. 
Finally, the “georeferencing parameters” frame is used to set a 
minimum number of valid CPs (default value is 8) and to select 
the final geometric transformation model (transformation type). 
At the moment, only affine and 2" order polynomial 
transformations are available in the GEOREF environment. 
Anyway, more sophisticated geometric models (higher order 
polynomials, RFM, splines, efc.) can be computed with third 
parties remote sensing software using GEOREF outputs in 
ASCII format. 
A set of configuration parameters is expected to work well on a 
set of images which are similar for type, content and size, then 
it can be saved into a template project to be used at different 
Project configuration parameters Seas EM E Bh x] 
*Fortinet opiétalor- ^oi REA Matching pacsmeters— Wu DEN, 
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Half size Forster window. [2 Hat window soe amtinglevet [3 1 
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Exculasty Index Mm: fo 3 Mav size search window: [s 
Min. points for square [100x100pe:} IE Miriroum corelabon: |0 7 
Points density: [0.00500 Fiejection test: B 
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ai0 | 345.87869 A11:100679494  a12:|0.93384533 | € LSMAffre © (SM Polynomial | 
"Logfile 1 n7 7p; Beoteferencing parameleis m m mm eee 
c Without log fie (Fast) Transformation Wel en 
£^ "With log He [Slow] Minimum yald points: [8 00 
cr | 
Figure 2. GEOREF configuration parameters window. 
2.2.2 Interest point extraction and matching: After setup 
of parameters, GEOREF proposes an operational workflow to 
extract CPs: 
a) generation of image pyramids: this task is 
implemented to cope with all cases where bad parameters 
for the starting affine transformation have been computed. 
However, the current version of the software is provided 
by a graphical tool which allows to manually measure with 
ease a minimum set of 3 CPs to compute this 
transformation. Findings of recent tests have shown that 
the use of image pyramids could be avoided in the most 
cases, working directly on the original images; 
b) extraction of IPs: the user is requested to enter the 
maximum number of IPs to accept in order to reduce the 
computing time; in this case, all extracted IPs are ranked 
according to their interest value, and those featuring higher 
positions are selected (according to the strategy proposed 
in Forlani et al., 1996). Ohterwise, all IPs can be held; 
c) measurement of the initial affine transformation, 
d) finding corresponding points: the initial affine 
parameters are used to transfer each IP from master to 
slave image; around the position found on the s/ave, all IPs 
falling into a square searching window (see 2.2.1) are 
matched with the point in the master. That point featuring 
the higher correlation after L.S. matching is selected as 
homologous; however, correlation must be higher than the 
minimum acceptance threshold. In case not enough points 
have been found, the process is repeated by enlarging the 
size of the search window. 
e) outlier rejection: to cope effectively with blunders in 
the set of CPs, a robust technique based on Least Median 
Squares (Rousseeuw & Leroy, 1987) followed by classical 
L.S. estimation and data snooping is applied. 
2.3 Visualization of results and data export 
[n case the georeference has been successfully completed, the 
user can check results by means of either analytical and 
graphical tools. The former concern the sigma nought of the 
estimated transformation (affine or polynomial); the 
implementation of plotting residuals onto the image is ongoing. 
Tha latter is given by overlapping the resampled slave image 
onto the master, so that the accuracy of the co-registration can 
be verified. An example of this visualization is presented in 
Figure 8. 
Different kinds of information can be exported from GEOREF. 
First of all, a file containing coordinate of CPs in both images is 
available. This file could be then imported into other Remote 
Sensing data processing softwares, in order to recompute the 
registration with more accurate algorithm, based on the same 
CP set found by GEOREF. 
In case the master image is provided by an ESRI “world” file, 
also that of slave is written; this fact enables to directly import 
the slave image into a commercial GIS software, so that a 
spatial database could be easily upgraded. 
Furthermore, all intermediate files and images are available as 
by-products and can be used independently from GEOREF. 
GEOREF has been tested with data collected by different high 
resolution image sensors (Eros-Al, QuickBird and SPOT-5 
HRG). The images used in this study were taken over the 
Caselle airport, near the city of Torino, Italy (Figure 3) and the 
full dataset used is composed of: 
e one scene acquired by the QuickBird satellite; 
a one scene acquired by the SPOT-5 satellite; 
e one stereo scene acquired by the Eros-A1. 
The main purpose of the tests has been to show the potential use 
of GEOREF for HRSI automatic registration and for multi- 
resolution and multi-sensor automatic data fusion. Therefore, 
tests have involved: 
e  2.5-meter SPOT-5 HRG and 0.62-meter QuickBird PAN 
image fusion (multi-resolution and multi-sensor data 
e 2.6-meter Eros-Al stereo coverage (HRSI automatic 
e  2.6-meter Eros-Al and 2.5-meter SPOT-5 HRG image 
fusion (multi-sensor data fusion). 
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