Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
eliminates geometric and topologic errors exactly, at the same 
time of object digitizing and drawing. IPCBS is the software 
which can be accommodated by any existing hardware, software 
and standards and also from financial point of view is truly 
economic. In this system, photogrammetric tools of an 
analytical plotter (i.e. PlaniComp P33) are embedded within 
CAD program (ie. MicroStation), and in addition some 
modification can be performed on objects (i.e. data cleanup) 
and some definitions (i.e. some of topology relationships) can 
be assigned to objects before inputting data to CAD kernel. 
Outputs of this system can be entered to GIS systems or 
automatic cartography systems without need for further editing 
process. This software can be accommodated by existing 
hardware, software and standards and from financial point of 
view is economic. These techniques were tested using simulated 
and real data. Output file of this program tested in several GIS 
softwares (i.e. Arclnfo 8.0, ArcView 3.1). The results were 
completely satisfactory. 
Following geometric errors can be removed by IPCBS program: 
— Removing overshoots and undershoots; 
— Nodes editing (clustered nodes or mismatches at 
—  Dissolving duplicates/overlaps; 
— Removing virtual sliver polygons; 
— Edge matching error; 
—  ]ntersection processing (crossing objects error and 
polygon closure error and dangle error); 
Geometric data will also be optimized in the following ways: 
—  Thinning (line-weeding); 
— A Removing small elements. 
5.2 Recommendations 
Since, post-processing step for data editing will be omitted by 
using integrated systems, so we propose use of integrated 
systems in all the photogrammetric projects to collect accurate 
geometric data, without any topological and cleanup errors, in 
order to import data directly and real-time to CAD software or 
GIS environments. The future exploration would improve the 
performance of the cleanup techniques already discussed in 
previous chapters. Future studies should propose real-time 
solution for following tasks in IPCBS cleanup module: 
— Converting features with complex geometry to simple 
one (stroking or simplifying features with complex 
geometry like B-Splines); 
— Best fitting curves (replacing broken polylines with 
smooth one); 
— Squaring angles near quadrant angles; 
— Editing of hydrographical features (editing streamlines 
and ridgelines according to contour line); 
—  Contour-line editing; 
—  Height-point editing; 
— Alignment editing (e.g. building features alignment 
— Special functions for finding missed features at the 
time of digitizing (stroke); 
— Some modules for classifying feature attributes (i.e. 
layer, color, style) at the time of digitizing; 
— Defining priority for features according to predefined 
instructions and importance of features. Because some 
kind of features should be allowed to extend or snap 
more and some should be less. 
Using knowledge-based techniques in integration of CAD and 
photogrammetry systems is the next target. Knowledge-based 
techniques provide constraint-based modelling in CAD 
environment and accurate measurements in digital 
photogrammetric workstations [El-Hakim & Westmore, 1992]. 
Carl Zeiss Division of Photogrammetry, 1993. P33 PlaniComp 
P-Series Analytical WorkStation Operating Instructions 51- 
1233e, Germany. 
Carl Zeiss Division of Photogrammetry, 1994. P-CAP PC- 
Sofiware for Orientation and Numeric Acquisition with the 
Planicomp Operating Manual 51-1220 e, Germany. 
Chapman, D., Deacon, A., Hamid, A., Kotowski, R., 1992. 
CAD modelling of radioactive plant: the role of digital 
photogrammetry in hazardous nuclear environments, IAPRS, 
Washington, USA, Vol. 29, Part BS, pp. 741-753. 
El-Hakim. S.F., Westmore. D.B., 1992, A knowledge-based 
edge / object measurement technique, 1APRS, Washington, 
USA. Vol. 29, Part B5, pp. 514-521. 
Molkaraei, A., 1999. Instructions for Second Step of 
Organization and Establishment of Database of Tehran Maps. 
How to Do Manual, Tehran GIS Center, Tehran, Iran. 
Neto F.A., 2001. *Data Editing". 
(accessed 12 Feb. 2002) 
I wish to thank Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering 
Department of Khaje-Nasir-Toosi Technical University. 
Special thanks go to Dr. Ebadi, Mr. MolkAraei and my best 
colleagues Mr. Saraei and Mr. Rahimi for their technical 
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