Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

stanbul 2004 
out in stages, 
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two objects 
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able vertices 
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the vertex F; 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
where posid is the order in the vertices set, and Lineid is the ID 
of the line spatial object. 
Complex vertex removal 
If simple vertex removal is used on a polygon vertex of 
category (b) then there is uncertainty as to how to rebuild the 
closed chains making up the polygon, and a hole may result 
(Figure 3). Therefore, a two step operation, first removing the 
vertex and then ensuring that topological consistency is 
maintained is carried out. 
Figure 3 Invalid topology in complex vertex removal 
Suppose vertex V; selected for removal is a common vertex of n 
polygons (FH, P,,..., P,] - therefore n vertices {V,V,,....V,} 
are associated with vertex (V;). Each pair consists of one chain. 
Thus, to avoid gap generation, the vertex remove operation is 
defined as follows: 
For a set of polygons (A, P,,..., P,] , the operation of common 
vertex (V;) remove is defined as 
F = Pi eu... P € V,, P, =P, js Ur. DV; (3) 
On polygons {AR, B,...,P, 
7-1} the operation carried out is 
identical to simple vertex removal. However, for polygon P, the 
following operation, illustrated in Figure 4 is applied: 
P, 2 P.- Uv, er, 
Figure 4 Sealing a hole generated by complex vertex removal 
Ranking of vertices for removal 
The operations described above provide a means to identify 
immovable vertices, and operations to remove vertices of 
different classes. Further criteria are required to rank vertices 
for removal and to prevent invalid topologies from being 
generated through self intersection. We adapt the line 
simplification algorithm of Visvalingam and Whyatt (1993) to 
carry out this task. This algorithm is based on the principle of 
simplifying lines by removing the vertices which form the 
minimum area triangles within the line. By minimising the area 
removed from polygons or lines the likelihood of maintaining 
shape fidelity with the original object is increased (Visvalingam 
and Herbert, 1999). The triangles generated for this operation 
are also used for a simple topology check — a vertex can only be 
removed of the triangle formed by it and its neighbouring 
vertices do not contain any other vertices. 
Thus for a polygon with r vertices, n-1 triangles will be 
generated, and for a line with n vertices, z-2 triangles will be 
generated. Moreover, the start and end vertex of the linc are 
defined as immovable vertices. After identification of 
immovable vertices, vertices are ranked by triangle area size 
order for possible removal if, and only if, the triangle formed 
does not contain any further vertices. The vertex with the 
minimum triangle area will be removed first. Finally, according 
to the vertex type a simple or complex vertex removal operation 
is carried out. 
In order to implement web-based progressive transmission 
client and server side components are required. On the server 
side the reduced vertex entities must be generated and 
transmitted, whilst on the client side these data must be 
appropriately displayed and reconstructed as more vertices are 
Figure 5 illustrates the prototype architecture for progressive 
transmission of vector map data. The whole architecture 
encompasses three interrelated components: a client side 
component, an application server component, and a data 
simplification component. The data simplification component is 
responsible for extracting coarser data from a database or files 
in real time and for representing the data in the appropriate data 
model before the data is sent to the application server 
component. The server side of the component was integrated 
into the OpenSource Web Feature Server (WFS) provided by 
Deegree (Deegree, 2003), allowing the generation of vector 
maps in response to a standard OpenGIS WFS call (OpenGIS, 
2002). The data simplification in the prototype architecture is 
processed in real time in response to queries from the client, 
alleviating the need to store a variety of intermediate products 
and allowing all maps to be generated from a single source data 
set as required. 
Application server 
Query control 
Data distribute 
Client side 
1 e 
1 1 Query 
= 1 
nr A. 
| Spatial entities 
| reconstruction | 
e - 
LJ — Á—— M Bam 
D in : | Spatial entities | | 
Simplifig jtion | simnlificati | ME m 
(, simpli fication | Visualization 
eden 1T 
Figure 5 Prototype system architecture 
The client side component deals with visualizing the query 
result, allowing querying of the data and reconstructing the 
source vector map data. 

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