Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
applicable at any scale: 
e allowing creation of regular grid-based digital elevation 
models (DEMs) of consistent precision and at very high 
sampling rates, thus able to record very detailed 
e commercial software available at competitive rates; 
e software runs on relatively cheap UNIX workstations and 
e user-friendly interface of software makes techniques 
available to non-specialists. 
2.1 Theory 
Theoretical principles underlying photogrammetric methods 
were established over a century ago (Finsterwalder, 1897) and 
developed for map production in the 1930s (Wolf & Dewitt, 
2000; Slama, 1980). The concept of collinearity is critical, 
whereby a point on the object, centre of lens and resultant 
image point lie on a single line in three-dimensional space. 
Based on this principle the three-dimensional object space 
coordinates can be extracted from a stereopair of photographs, 
provided that interior and exterior orientation of the camera at 
the moment of exposure are known. Exterior orientation 
parameters of the camera can easily be determined with the help 
of a minimum of three ground control points (GCPs) for each 
image (Wolf & Dewitt, 2000). 
When using archival photographs or a non-metric camera, the 
interior parameters of the camera are often unknown. However, 
these can be determined by using a self-calibrating bundle 
adjustment. In this numerical procedure the interior and exterior 
parameters of all frames are simultaneously estimated by using a 
least squares estimation, which minimizes and distributes the 
errors (Kenefick et al, 1972; Granshaw, 1980; Chandler & 
Cooper, 1989). Redundant photo control is recommended, as 
this will provide stochastical properties of the solution and 
checks on data consistency. 
2.2 ADAPT - A Digital Archival Photogrammetric 
Chandler & Brunsden (1995) describe an analytical technique 
for extracting spatial data from historical photographs and prove 
its value in studies of land-form change. Their procedure is 
known as the archival photogrammetric technique and 
overcomes the main problems associated with archival 
photographs, the lack of camera calibration and control points, 
by using a self-calibrating bundle adjustment. The great 
advantage of the method is that it can be applied universally to 
all photographic formats: both vertical and oblique images, 
from small to large-scale. Additionally, all image epochs can be 
referenced to the same coordinate system, which is crucial for 
quantitative analyses. The approach described in this paper was 
developed from this method, but using the latest technologies in 
digital processing, which enables the method to be used more 
easily, and hence become more universally applicable. 
First step is the acquisition of aerial photographs, using the 
following considerations (in order of importance): 
ground coverage; the area of interest should be completely 
covered by the stereoscopic overlap area of the images. 
* scale; the scale of the photograph determines with what 
precision photo-coordinates can be measured and what 
feature sizes can be discerned. 
e geometry; the parallax and hence heighting precision is 
affected by flying height, airbase, and focal length of the 
e. format; best results are obtained when using high- 
resolution scans (15-20u) of contact diapositives from the 
original negatives, using a photogrammetric quality 
scanner. However, as these are not always available, use of 
scans from contact prints may have to be considered. 
Obtaining historical aerial photographs is time-consuming. In 
the UK the imagery is distributed over numerous archives and 
libraries held by a range of institutions, among them the 
National Monuments Record, the collection of Cambridge 
University, commercial mapping companies and various local 
authorities. Some of these organisations have standardized their 
search and request systems, which makes the archives easily 
accessible to public. However, in some cases this 
standardization makes it more difficult to deal with specialist 
demands, for example high-resolution photogrammetric scans. 
Sometimes only contact prints are available, or access to a 
photogrammetric scanner is lacking. 
Once imagery is acquired, ground control points must be 
identified and measured. Suitable control points are well. 
defined natural features, clearly identifiable on the photographs. 
For photoscales of 1/4,000-1/50,000 the use of differential GPS 
is recommended (Chandler, 1999). Geodetic receivers can 
achieve a precision of +10mm +1ppm in plan over distances up 
to 15km; precision in height is 2-3 times more. A source of less- 
accurate coordinate data are large scale topographic maps, 
containing planimetric positions, spot heights and bench marks. 
A minimum of two planimetric and three height points is 
needed to define a datum, but more control points are desirable 
as redundancy provides appropriate checks. The control points 
should be evenly distributed over the images to gain a strong 
geometry. Ideal positions are points tying frames together and 
surrounding the volume of interest (Wolf & Dewitt, 2000). 
During photogrammetric processing the relationship between 
photo and ground coordinates is established and the interior and 
exterior orientation of the camera determined. The processing 
involves a  self-calibrating bundle adjustment, which 
implements rigorously the collinearity equations in a least- 
squares estimation procedure (Chandler & Brunsden, 1995). In 
order to transform the image coordinates to photo coordinates, 
it is necessary to measure the image positions of the fiducial 
marks (if present) and the control points. 
Finally, it is possible to extract coordinates of points anywhere 
on the images, by using the estimated interior and exterior 
parameters. A variety of products may be derived automatically 
including DEMs, orthophotographs and parameters indicating 
the accuracy of these products. The following products can be 
used to visualize the landslide movements: 
e  DEMs-of-difference (elevation differences 
* cross-section profiles; 
* displacement vectors; 
* animations. 
2.3 Quality assessment 
The quality of the photogrammetric solution is controlled by 
measurement errors associated with elements used in the 
functional model to relate image to object. Data quality can be 
described by three terms with respect to three types of error 
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