Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
—> =0.5m/a 
Figure 6. Movement vectors, showing direction and magnitude 
of the displacements between 1953 and 1990(m/a). 
source is caused by areas of low reflective contrast, where 
digital image matching techniques have difficulty to 
automatically identify mass points for DEM extraction. This 
may lead to uneven spikes and dips in the model. A more 
objective way of accuracy assessment would be to identify a 
stable area and compare the photogrammetric derived product 
with an independent data set, for example a representative DEM 
based on GPS points. 
Changes in morphology can be presented by DEMs-of- 
difference (change in height), cross-section profiles and 
movement vectors from the orthophotographs (change in plane). 
Figure 5 shows three-dimensional views created by draping 
respectively an orthophotograph and a DEM-of-ditference over 
a DEM, which certainly demonstrates the potential of the 
approach for visualization. 
The horizontal precision is much better, and planar 
displacements can be detected from the orthophotographs 
(Figure 6). Simple statistical tests revealed the significance of 
the horizontal movement vectors. The 14 objects surrounding 
the landslide were assumed to be stable positions during all 
epochs; the apparent displacements are due to random errors in 
the orthophotographs and consistent with the horizontal 
precision estimated by the self-calibration adjustment. Two- 
sample difference of mean tests proved that the displacements in 
x-direction, and total vector length of the 15 selected points on 
the landslide are significant greater than these errors, at a 95% 
confidence level. Movements in the y-direction are not proven 
to be significant. Note that the measured movements over the 
period 1971-1973 are not statistical significant, due to the 
relative large contribution of noise to the small total 
displacement over this short time-interval. The statistical 
properties of all samples are summarized in Table 7. 
3.6 Comparison with traditional methods 
The mean displacement of the landslide over the period from 
1953 to 1990 is +0.32m/a (Table 7), varying from +0.11m/a at 
the toe up to +0.81m/a in the central. most active part. It is 
particularly satisfying that this value is of comparable size to 
movement rates found by Ruther et al. (2003), 0.04-0.35m/a 
over the last century and up to 0.50m/a in recent years. 
These initial results demonstrate the value of historical aerial 
photographs for quantifying past landslide movements. Due to 
the poor base-height ratio of some of the photographs, the 
extracted height data were not precise enough to detect 
significant vertical displacements. Nevertheless, the accuracy in 
plane was sufficient to analyse horizontal movements of the 
landslide, even in the cases of a rather low image resolution. 
What is encouraging is that the extracted displacements were 
consistent with movement rates observed by other researchers, 
obtained by direct ground measurement. 
Incorporation of more epochs would improve the temporal 
resolution; extension of the time series with more recent images 
would be particularly useful, as this would provide a overlap 
with recent traditional surveys. More detailed analysis of the 
displacements in both vertical and planar directions is expected 
to gain more insight in the mechanics of the landslide. 
In further research a relationship between the extracted mass 
movements and climate variables will be determined. The main 
challenge is expected to be the temporal scarcity of photo 
information. The time between photo epochs will be in the 
order of 10 years, while major slide movements take place every 
4-5 years on average (Waltham & Dixon, 2000). The ultimate 
aim will be the ability to obtain a climate-landslide model that is 
able to predict the response to future climate change. The 
described method should be applicable to any active landslide 
worldwide, provided that historical aerial photography is 
1953-1971 1971-1973 1973-1990 1953-1990 
Stable objects 
sample size 14 13 11 12 
x (mean xstd, in n/a) 0.03 +£0.02 -0.13 £0.06 -0.02 +0.02 0.00 £0.01 
y (mean +std, in m/a) -0.03 +0.09 0.15 £0.33 -0.02 £0.03 -0.02 £0.04 
total (mean xstd, in n/a) 0.09 20.04 0.37 40.17 0.03 20.03 0.04 20.02 
On landslide 
sample size 15 15 12 12 
x (mean xstd, in nva) 0.24 40.17 0.22 x0.41 0.29 +0.21 0.27 +0.18 
y (mean +std, in m/a) -0.02 + 0:23 -0.13 £0.72 0.04 £0.17 0.01 30.18 
total (mean xstd, in m/a) 0.33 10.17 0.71 £0.47 0.33 +022 0.32 +0.19 
Table 7. Statistical properties of the displacement vectors (averaged movements in m/a). 

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