Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

« 2004 
to the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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ID Size in Mean Mean 
pixels elevation gradient 
552 578 342.7 10.72 
1144 476 43.6 3.92 
421 417 140.0 12.32 
601 404 555.5 25.63 
867 383 220.2 13.74 
292 332 7256 29.52 
724 330 708.5 29.52 
74 305 727.3 23.63 
195 290 438.1 11.83 
35 279 631.6 5:55 
688 267 414.0 19.10 
548 252 271.5 16.70 
112 241 489.0 12.21 
228 234 361.7 8.83 
672 232 110.7 11.59 
130 231 503.9 7.76 
59 207 455.7 15.23 
1059 172 0.0 0.00 
161 171 425.1 12.03 
317 165 803.5 29.82 
540 159 1073.3 29.98 
1206 157 105.6 14.90 
263 146 704.3 29.42 
386 142 220.9 15.65 
697 140 0.0 0.04 
625 132 1331 9.00 
501 131 1084.8 34.22 
6 129 638.9 3.67 
911 128 1932 11.93 
1254 121 50.3 10.30 
419 120 224.0 18.43 
1072 120 250.5 18.53 
800 119 369.5 17.35 
259 112 486.1 15.99 
S39 104 22.9 7.82 
399 101 380.3 22.66 
1026 98 347.7 13.81 
963 94 253.2 19:50 
607 93 166.1 10.29 
627 91 1230.1 27.45 
359 83 65.9 3.55 
337 81 344.5 9.70 
432 80 1196.9 32.38 
1203 79 68.1 9.48 
411 76 16.9 10.14 
1070 76 37.7 15.57 
756 72 566.0 13.29 
712 71 824.4 18.66 
1289 71 17.0 8.65 
114 69 473.8 29.91 
ID Size in Mean Mea n 
pixels elevation gradient 
18 67 505.4 10.12 
216 63 873.5 26.94 
747 61 358.2 14.52 
389 60 692.1 25.28 
312 59 1084.8 31.49 
661 57 242.4 17.72 
413 54 831.4 29.48 
1023 54 27.1 16.22 
170 53 89.2 23.51 
972 53 382.0 10.57 
1001 50 270.9 23.28 
1151 50 113.3 5.70 
Table 4. Size (1 pixel occupies 30 times 30 m^), mean elevation 
and mean gradient for the 50 objects of the barren terrain class 
with the greatest size 
2.7 Statistical analysis and mapping 
Statistics, correlation and linear regression were computed for 
the parametric representation of the objects of the barren terrain 
class (Table 5, 6 and 7). 
n TS m 
~~ = E © 
$ 22 (350) 52) 25 | #5 
8 5 eo = e 3 ral = 
e e Te B d 
Mean 4.99 442.7 46.2 16.8 191.5 
St.dev 0.82 345.8 38.9 8.7 156.4 
Table 5.Statistics per geomorphometric attribute for the objects 
with size greater than 50 pixels. 
InS 1.000 
H 0.228 1.000 
R 0.551 0.526 1.000 
G 0.021 0.704 | 0.649 1.000 : 
LR | 0.632 0.569 | 0.969 | 0.656 1.000 
Table 6. Correlation coefficient per attribute pairs, for the 
objects with size greater than 50 pixels. 
It is observed that there is a positive correlation between H and 
G. There is also a great correlation between R and LR. The 
regression between mean gradient and mean elevation is 
expressed by the equation: 
H= 20.07 * G + 86.12 
The linear regression was found to be statistically significant 
according to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) presented in 
table 7. The linear regression line and the scatter diagram of 
objects is given in Figure 8. 

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