Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Regression 1 38189791 38189792 
Residual 1312 107881906 82227.06 
Total 1313 146071698 
F= 464.4 Significance F 1.96E-88 
Table 7. ANOVA of the linear regression between mean 
gradient and mean elevation of the barren terrain class objects. 
2000 4————————————9———— —————————— 
T 160ü a ; - 
* ++ + } . 
m 1200 PA pr EN | 
e ro + pere $e. ^ 4 4T eM . | 
o 800 t, uw. ESS Ny =: Ste AT | 
= * e Mt rta POM Rios. —o*t, pi t 2 e | 
= 2, {SHENG Fe de ac TAS IH * | 
400 - Ares LU fry a AF anum Aen uet | 
gi he Trl ag: ny ; | 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 
Mean G 
Figure 8. Linear regression line and scatter diagram. 
The objects wer sliced to 5 classes in increasing mean gradient 
and mapped (Figure 9). 
Figure 9. Gradient classes. 
The geomorphometric description of the cluter map indicated 
that the major landcover classes (forest versus cultivate land 
versus bare ground) present specific and distinct parametric 
representation. The barren class presents high elevation and 
gradient while the correlation and the linear regression 
inidicated that the greatest in size objects occupy the greatest in 
height position and present the greatest gradient. This finding 
should be taken into account in the urban planning since barren 
class object are distribute along the major highway that 
connects the major city with the major port of this island 
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4.1 Acknowledgements and Appendix (optional) 
Acknowledgements of US Geological Survey for providing the 
A.S.T.E.R image used in this research effort.

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