Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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A. Koch 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Geolnformation (IPI), University of Hannover, Germany 
Nienburger Strafle 1, 30167 Hannover 
Commission IV, WG IV/6 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Adjustment, Integration, Modeling, Visualization, DEM/DTM 
The most commonly used topographic vector data, the core data of a geographic information system (GIS) are currently two- 
dimensional. The topography is modelled by different objects which are represented by single points, lines and areas with additional 
attributes containing information, for example on function and size of the object. In contrast, a digital terrain model (DTM) in most 
cases is a 2.5D representation of the earth’s surface. The integration of the two data sets leads to an augmentation of the dimension 
of the topographic objects. However, inconsistencies between the data may cause a semantically incorrect result of the integration 
This paper presents an approach for a semantically correct integration of a DTM and 2D GIS vector data. The algorithm is based on 
a constrained Delaunay triangulation. The DTM and the bounding polygons of the topographic objects are first integrated without 
considering the semantics of the objects. Then, those objects which contain implicit height information are further utilized: object 
representations are formulated and the semantics of the objects is considered within an optimization process using equality and 
inequality constraints. The algorithm is based on an inequality constrained least squares adjustment formulated as the linear 
complementary problem (LCP). The algorithm results in a semantically correct integrated 2.5D GIS data set. 
First results are presented using simulated and real data. Lakes represented by horizontal planes with increasing terrain outside the 
lake and roads which are composed of several tilted planes were investigated. The algorithm shows first satisfying results: the 
constraints are fulfilled and the visualization of the integrated data set corresponds to the human view of the topography. 
1.1 Motivation 
The most commonly used topographic vector data, the core data 
of a geographic information system (GIS) are currently two- 
dimensional. The topography is modelled by different objects 
which are represented by single points, lines and areas with 
additional attributes containing information, for example on 
function and size of the object. In contrast, a digital terrain 
model (DTM) in most cases is a 2.5D representation of the 
earth’s surface. The integration of the two data sets leads to an 
augmentation of the dimension of the topographic objects. 
However, inconsistencies between the data may cause a 
semantically incorrect result of the integration process. 
Inconsistencies may be caused by different object modelling 
and different surveying and production methods. For instance, 
vector data sets often contain roads modelled as lines or 
polylines. The attributes contain information on road width, 
road type etc. If the road is located on a slope, the 
corresponding part of the DTM often is not modelled correctly. 
When integrating these data sets, the slope perpendicular to the 
driving direction is identical to the slope of the DTM which 
does not correspond to the real slope of the road. Another 
reason for inconsistencies is the fact, that data are often 
produced independently. The DTM may be generated by using 
lidar or aerial photogrammetry. Topographic vector data may 
be based on digitized topographic maps or orthophotos. These 
different methods may cause inconsistencies, too. 
Many applications benefit from semantically correct integrated 
data sets. For instance, good visualizations of 3D models of the 
topography need correct data and are important for flood 
simulations and risk management. A semantically correct 
integrated data set can also be used to produce correct 
orthophotos in areas with non-modelled bridges within the 
DTM. Furthermore, the semantically correct integration may 
show discrepancies between the data and thus allow to draw 
conclusions on the quality of the DTM. 
1.2 Related work 
The integration of a DTM and 2D GIS data is an issue that has 
been tackled for more than ten years. Weibel (1993), Fritsch & 
Pfannenstein (1992) and Fritsch (1991) establish different forms 
of DTM integration: In case of height attributing each point of 
the 2D GIS data set contains an attribute “point height”. By 
using interfaces it is possible to interact between the DTM 
program and the GIS system. Either the two systems are 
independent or DTM methods are introduced into the user 
interface of the GIS. The total integration or full database 
integration comprises a common data management within a 
data base. The terrain data often is stored in the data base in 
form of a triangular irregular network (TIN) whose vertices 
contain X,Y and Z coordinates. The DTM is not merged with 
the data of the GIS. The merging process, i.e. the introduction 
of the 2D geometry into the TIN, has been investigated later by 
several authors (Lenk 2001; Klotzer 1997; Pilouk 1996). The 
approaches differ in the sequence of introducing the 2D 
geometry, the amount of change of the terrain morphology and 
the number of vertices after the integration process. Among 
others, Lenk and Klótzer argue that the shape of the integrated 
TIN should be identical to the shape of the initial DTM TIN. 
Lenk developed an approach for the incremental insertion of 
object points and their connections into the initial DTM TIN. 
The sequence of insertion is object point, object line, object 
point etc. The intersection points between the object line and 
the TIN edges (Steiner points) are considered as new points of 
the integrated data set. Klótzer, on the other hand, first 
introduces all object points, then carries out a new preliminary 
triangulation. Subsequently, he introduces the object lines, 

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