Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
It is based on a constrained Delaunay triangulation using all 
points of the DTM (mass points and structure elements) and the 
polygons of the topographic objects of the 2D GIS data (section 
3.1). The linear structure elements from the DTM and the object 
borders are introduced as edges of the triangulation, the result is 
an integrated DTM TIN. 
Then, certain constraints are formulated and are taken care of in 
an optimization process (section 3.2) In this way, the 
topographic objects of the integrated data set are made to fulfill 
predefined conditions related to their semantics. The constraints 
are expressed in terms of mathematical equations and 
inequations. The algorithm results in improved height values 
and in a semantically correct integrated 2.5D topographic data 
A basic assumption of our approach is that the general terrain 
morphology as reflected in the DTM is correct and has to be 
preserved also in the neighbourhood of objects carrying implicit 
height information. Therefore, any changes must be as small as 
possible. A second assumption is that inconsistencies between 
the DTM and the topographic objects stem from inaccurate 
DTM heights and not from planimetric errors of the topographic 
3.1 Non-semantic data integration 
As mentioned in section 1.2 there are several approaches for the 
integration of a DTM and 2D topographic GIS data based on a 
TIN. Because Lenk’s approach has some advantages, we use a 
variant of his algorithm. First, a DTM TIN is created using the 
DTM mass points and the structure elements in a constrained 
Delaunay triangulation. Second, the heights for the topographic 
objects are derived using the height information of the TIN by 
interpolating a height value for each object point. Next, the 
points of the polygons representing the topographic objects are 
introduced into the TIN by re-triangulating the neighbourhood 
of the objects. Here, the Delaunay criterion is not re- 
established. Then, the object lines are considered as constraints. 
This is done in such a way, that the intersection points between 
the object polygons and the edges of the DTM TIN (Steiner 
points) are introduced as new points. The edges of the DTM 
TIN and the lines of the object polygon are split. 
a) b) 
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Figure 2: Integration of a DTM and an object “lake”, a) original 
DTM TIN and object “lake”, b) integrated data set 
Figure 2 shows an example of the integration of a DTM and an 
object “lake” of a 2D GIS data set. The original points of the 
bounding polygon of the lake are shown in light blue. After the 
integration, the intersection points between the DTM TIN and 
the object polygon are new points of the integrated data set 
(Figure 2b, coloured by black). 
Another example is given in Figure 3. A road is an object 
modelled by lines (Figure 3a, black line) which is buffered 
using an attribute “road width". First, all intersection points 
between the middle axis and the DTM TIN are estimated 
(Figure 3a, light grey points of the centre axis). This is done 
because every triangle has a ditferent inclination and the middle 
axis should be best fitted to the terrain represented by the initial 
DTM TIN. After buffering the left and right side of the road 
contain as much points as the centre axis. Then, the object is 
triangulated in such a way that the cross sections situated at the 
points of the road centre axis border the triangles of the object 
TIN. Thus, it is garanteed that for a profile a change in slope is 
allowed. The bordering polygon is then introduced using the 
variant of Lenk's algorithm (Figure 3b). 
a) b) 
Figure 3: Integration of a DTM and an object "road", a) original 
DTM TIN and object “road“ after buffering, b) 
integrated data set 
3.2 Optimization process 
As mentioned, there are topographic objects of the 2D GIS data 
which contain implicit height information. Within the integrated 
data set these objects have to fulfill certain constraints which 
can be expressed in terms of mathematical equations and 
inequations. To fulfill these constraints or to achieve semantic 
correctness, the heights of the DTM are changed. Up to now the 
horizontal coordinates of the polygons of the topographic 
objects are introduced as error-free. 
The heights of the topographic objects are estimated within an 
optimization process which is based on a least squares 
adjustment; these values are unknown parameters. The heights 
of the corresponding part of the DTM are introduced as direct 
observations for the unknown heights at the same planimetric 
position. Equality constraints are introduced using pseudo 
observations. Thus, a Gauss-Markov adjustment model is used 
and the adherence to the constraints is controlled via weights 
for the pseudo observations. Furthermore, inequality constraints 
are introduced. The resulting inequality constraint least squares 
adjustment is solved using the linear complementary problem 
(LCP) (Lawson & Hanson 1995; Heipke 1986; Fritsch 1985; 
Schaffrin 1981). 
3.2.1 Basic observation equations: The heights which 
correspond to the topographic objects of the 2D GIS data and 
the heights of the neighbouring terrain are introduced as: 
0, - Z, - Z, (1) 
The height Z; refers to the original height, the value Z , denotes 
the unknown height which has to be estimated. 
In order to be able to preserve the slope of an edge connecting 
two neighbouring points P; and P, of the DTM TIN (one of the 
two points is part of the polygon describing the object, the other 
one is a neighbouring point outside the object) and thus to 
control the general shape of the integrated TIN additional 
observation equations are formulated: 

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