Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
There is also a demand for a DTM which is to be used as a 
reference plane in the future 3D geographical database. As the 
accuracy of most of the topographical data is situated in the 
0.5m to 2m range, a DTM with at least similar accuracy is 
needed. This DTM should also be usable for the derivation of 
contour lines for topographical map production. 
The NGI performs regular surveys for the identification of 
obstacles around airfields. The scope of these surveys has been 
widened in the last year to almost the complete Belgian 
territory. A reliable DTM is a prerequisite for this kind of 
There is an increasing. demand for DEM products from 
customers. The requirements are highly variable. They range 
from small scale DSMs for draping satellite images over 
detailed DTMs for geomorphological studies to line of sight 
studies for the telecommunications sector. Priorities for most 
customers seem to be: full coverage, reliability, ease to use and 
a low price. On the one hand there is a general demand for an 
off-the-shelf product, but on the other hand requirements vary 
very considerably and frequently tailor-made solutions are 
2.3. Production constraints 
Available budget and personnel are limited. There is 
considerable urgency, especially for the production of 
The regions in Belgium (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels) are 
also involved in production programs for DTMs. Although co- 
operation is agreed upon, practical as well as legal and financial 
issues still need to be settled. As a consequence we look 
actually for a moderate cost intermediate solution. This situation 
has an important influence on the data structure and working 
2.4. Recovery and flexibility 
A huge amount of information has already been collected in the 
previous decades in the form of contour lines on a map scale of 
1:10.000 that were stereoplotted and verified through extensive 
field surveys (Vanommeslaeghe,2001). The contour lines are 
still very useful as a source for DTM production. As the 
recovery of the information (from analogue to digital form 
through vectorization and identification) is a lot cheaper and 
faster than starting over from scratch, it was decided to pursue 
the recovery and upgrading of existing information as much as 
The quality that should be achieved is an overall accuracy of 
0.5m to 2m. If this quality level is not achieved or not yet 
achievable, a quality should be achieved which is at least better 
than the existing DTED level2. 
Budgetary constraints make it necessary to use different types 
of data sources and it is very likely that external data will need 
to be incorporated rendering data-interoperability a very 
important feature of the project. Likewise, a lot of different 
derivatives are foreseen and possibly more will become 
necessary. Because of time constraints, in certain areas it will 
be necessary to use an intermediate suboptimal solution which 
will have to be replaced with better data later on. In view of 
this situation the project should work in a very flexible way. We 
avoided making a very detailed conceptual model because it is 
dangerous as it taxes the ability to adapt to new situations and 
technical possibilities. You do however need an overall 
conceptual framework as a tool to guide the actual work. 
2.5.Working priorities 
Whether a DTM qualifies as a “good DTM” depends on a 
number of factors. First and foremost this question should be 
rephrased into “Is the DTM making the things possible that you 
want to do in your specific application ?” It is a question that 
has a different answer for every different user. In our experience 
we can corroborate the breakdown of the goodness of a DTM in 
the following factors as given by Cory and McGill (1999): 
completeness, reliability, consistency, uniformity, content, 
accuracy . In our experience most customers’ questions pertain 
to the first two factors (i.e. when these are not fulfilled there is 
no interest and so other factors are not relevant). 
Although every factor is theoretically important, due to 
constraints it is not possible to focus on each factor at the same 
time. Hence we will follow a phased production process. In a 
first phase we tackle the completeness and reliability, relegating 
the other factors to future phases. We strive to get a complete 
coverage of Belgium with a quality at least better than the 
existing DTED level 2. In a second phase we will perform a 
systematical quality assessment, the objective of which is to 
guide the following “upgrading” phase and to provide users 
with useful metadata. In a third phase we need to upgrade the 
accuracy where it is not within the 0.5-2m range. If necessary a 
further upgrading to higher accuracies can be pursued. 
After upgrading the whole data set, the next phase is that of 
updating the data. Compared to other topographical data, this is 
expected to be a smaller problem, if the accuracy range is kept 
at 0.5 to 2m. Higher accuracies would of course cause a bigger 
need for updating. 
2.6. Data structure 
A threefold structure is guiding the production. On a first level 
we have the so called DEDS (Digital Elevation Data Set). These 
are the original discrete data on terrain (or surface) height 
whatever their origin. On a second level we have actual DTMs 
(or DSMs) derived by interpolation of heights in between the 
original discrete data. As there are a variety of interpolation 
strategies and techniques and an equally wide variety in user 
requirements, many different DTMs (and DSMs) should be (at 
least conceptually) envisaged on this level. For the practical 
reason of having only one easily manageable and off-the-shelf 
product that is suitable for the majority of end users, one DTM 
will be made as a general reference GIS layer and only locally a 
second DEM will be made where the demands for different 
applications cannot be met by a single DEM. The most obvious 
application is the production of orthophotos where locally a 
DEM should be provided including the surface of large 
structures such as fixed bridges, etc... For easy distribution and 
handling, it will be made available in tiles of 4 km’ like the 

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