Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
1.2. Methodology 
Remote Sensing data have been frequently used to 
classify vegetation all over the world. Most of the remote 
sensing studies of vegetation are done with optical spectral 
bands. In the recent years, radar images are becoming an useful 
tool because their characteristics can be essential to efficiently 
sense some vegetation parameters. 
In thé particular case of the Cerrado biome, its 
physiognomies may vary from campo cerrado, to cerrado s.s., 
and to cerradäo (the forest type). Other associated forest types, 
such as riparian forest and SSForest, can also be found 
(Mesquita Jr. 1998). Two aspect of the vegetation must be taken 
into account: green leaves (which can be seasonal) and trucks 
with branches (which can be permanent). Because of that, the 
use of optical remote sensing can cause misclassification on the 
forest physiognomies due to the fact that optical bands detect 
predominantly the green leaves response. The optical spectral 
response is directly proportional to the amount of phytomass 
and the vegetation index, particularly the NDVI (normalised 
difference vegetation index). 
Although the NDVI has been shown useful in change 
detection, land surface monitoring, and in estimating many 
biophysical vegetation parameters, there is a history of 
vegetation index research identifying limitations in the NDVI, 
which may impact upon its utility in global studies which can be 
simplified as follow: 
- Canopy background contamination: background reflected 
signal, soils, litter covers, snow, and surface wetness; 
- Saturation with chlorophyll signal in densely vegetated 
canopies; and 
- Canopy structural effects associated with leaf angle 
distributions, clumping and non-photosynthetically-active 
components (woody, senesced, and dead plant materials). 
There are several explanations for the NDVI saturation 
problem over densely vegetated areas in which NDVI values no 
longer respond to variations in green biomass. The NDVI has 
been reported to be an insensitive to quantify LAI (leaf area 
index) at values exceeding 2 or 3. 
The atmosphere degrades the NDVI value by reducing the 
contrast between the red and NIR reflected signals. The red 
signal normally increases as a result of scattered, upwelling path 
radiance contributions from the atmosphere, while the NIR 
signal tends to decrease as a result of atmospheric attenuation 
associated with scattering and water vapour absorption. The net 
result is a drop in the NDVI signal and an underestimation of 
the amount of vegetation at the surface. The degradation in 
NDVI signal is dependent on the aerosol content of the 
atmosphere, with the turbid atmospheres resulting in the lowest 
NDVI signals (Huete et al., 1997 and 1999). 
The MODIS NDVI images are being appointed as an 
improvements over the current NOAA-AVHRR NDVI. Many 
new indices have been proposed to further improve upon the 
ability of the NDVI to estimate biophysical vegetation 
parameters. However, the robustness and global implementation 
of these indices have not been tested and one must be cautious 
that new problems are not created by removing the ‘rationing’ 
properties of the NDVI. 
The NDVI is a ‘normalized’ transformation of the NIR 
(near infrared) to red reflectance ratio, D nir / f) red, designed 
to standardise vegetation index values to between —1 and +1; 
NDVI = {( P nir / P red) — 1}/ {( P nir / P red) + 1} 
It is functionally equivalent to the NIR to red ratio and is 
more commonly expressed as: 
NDVI - (p nir - p red ) / ( nir * p red) 
As a ratio, the NDVI has the advantage of minimising 
certain types of band correlated noise (positively-correlated) 
and influences attributed to variations in direct/diffuse 
irradiance, clouds and cloud shadows, sun and view angles, 
topography, and atmospheric attenuation. Rationing can also 
reduce, to a certain extent, calibration and instrument-related 
errors. The NDVI, as a ratio, can be computed from raw digital 
counts, top-of-the-atmosphere radiances, apparent reflectances 
(normalised radiances) and partially or total atmospheric 
corrections. Although the units cancel out, the NDVI values 
themselves change so one must be consistent in how the NDVI 
is derived. The extent to which rationing can reduce noise is 
dependent upon the correlation of noise between red and NIR 
responses and the degree to which the surface exhibits 
Lambertian behaviour (Huete ef al., 1999). 
The NDVI is the only vegetation index currently adapted 
to global processing and it is used extensively in global, 
regional, and local monitoring studies. It has also been used on 
a wide array of sensors and platforms. The MODIS NDVI 
algorithm will utilise complete, atmospherically corrected, 
surface reflectance inputs, avoiding atmosphere contaminants 
such as water vapour. According to Huete and collaborator 
(Huete et al., 1999) the MODIS NDVI can provide consistent, 
spatial and temporal comparisons of global vegetation 
conditions (structure and phenology). 
The cerradäo and the SSForest vegetation differ from one 
another, in the field, not only in species composition but also in 
the structure (Batalha et al. 1997 and Batalha et al. 2001). The 
cerraddo canopy is 10 to 15 meters high and has a regular 
surface height geometry, whereas the SSForest canopy is 15 to 
25 meters high and its geometry is relatively rough, mainly 
because of the presence of emergent trees (highest trees in the 
canopy). These emergent trees can be deciduous or 
semideciduous, what difficult even more the use of optical 
remote sensing (Mesquita 1998). 
The microwaves radiation in the radar bands is 
transmitted from antenna and, after that, it receives the reflected 
signal from the earth surface. The sigma signal (c) value is the 
ratio of the received backscattered energy over the emitted 
energy. Usually o values are expressed in decibels (dB) units 
which can be converted into digital numbers (DN) of a intensity 
image (Roseqvist, 1997; Shimada, 2001). 
Generally, the c values are dependent on the geometry of 
the target on the ground and the wavelength. The JERS-1/SAR 
signal interacts with earth surface roughness on a magnitude of 
half of the wavelength A = 23 cm and mostly with objects 
oriented according to the signal polarization VV vertical 
emission — vertical reception (such as trunk and branch). 
Some parameters are quite important to understand the 
response of the target on the earth surface. They are: geometry 
of satellite and antenna (satellite ephemeris and antenna angle) 
in relation to surface and target (corner reflection and specular 

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