Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Earlier experiments proved that the use of laser scanner data or 
multispectral images can be used to classify an urban scene and 
detect buildings, but errors are expected for each data 
source(Centeno et al, 2003; Centeno and Miqueles, 2003). 
Therefore, the project aims at the cooperative use of both data 
sources in the classification, attempting to detect buildings. À 
Quickbird image and laser scanner data were used as sources. 
The methodology consistes of three basic steps. Image 
registration, region based segmentation and a posterior 
classification of the regions, based on spectral and spatial 
features. A supervised classification approach, based on fuzzy 
logic, allows to describe and combine membership functions 
derived for spatial and spectral features. The whole processing 
was performed using the eCognition software. The quality of 
the obtained result was evaluated, comparing it to the result of a 
monocular restitution of the same area. In this section, we 
introduce the study site and data set used. We then briefly 
describe three different steps. 
2.1 Study area and available data 
The study area lies on the urban perimeter of the city of 
Curitiba, Brazil. It is part of a residential area, characterized by 
a mixture of elements such as residential and commercial 
buildings, paved streets; stone covered pavement in the gardens, 
roofs of different materials, and vegetation of different sizes 
(trees and bushes). Two different data sets were available for 
this region: a Quickbird image and a laser scanner data set. 
Since both data sets don't cover exactly the same area, a region 
within the overlap was chosen. 
The Quickbird image was obtained on march, 2002. All four 
multispectral channels and the panchromatic channel were 
available. The pixel size of the multispectral image is about 
2,8m while the pixel of the panchromatic image is about 0,7m. 
Figure 1 shows a part of the Quickbird image of the study area. 
The color composition uses the three bands of the visible. 
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the study area 
Figure 1.Quickbird image of 
The laser scanner data consist of XYZI-ASCII files. The ASCII 
files contain the 3-dimensional coordinates of each point and 
also the intensity of the returned pulse. When the reflected 
beam produced more returns, the first and the last pulse were 
recorded. The laser scanner survey was obtained on may 2002, 
using the Optech ALTM system by LACTEC (Instituto de 
Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento). In order to use laser 
scanner data together with the satellite imagery within the 
image processing software, a grid was interpolated from the 
point data, with the same spatial resolution of the quickbird 
image. The resulting grid, a digital surface model (DSM) was 
later coded in integer values, taking a centimeter as unit. 
The altitude grid is not relevant for the discrimination of 
objects, because it includes the height of the terrain, the 
topography. In order to avoid the effect of the topography, a 
normalized DSM was computed, subtracting a DTM, already 
available, from the original DSM. The so-called normalized 
DSM (nDSM) is a representation of objects rising from the 
terrain put on a plane (Weidner and Forstner, 1995). Figure 2 
displays a perspective view of the nDSM. Darker pixels are 
associated to lower elevations. 
Figure 2 — 3D view of the laser scanner survey 
2.2 Image Registration 
Registration is a fundamental task in image processing used to 
match two images. In our study, the laser data was considered 
to be geometrically correct and was used to correct geometric 
distortions of the satellite image. It must be taken into account 
that both data were taken from different viewpoints and that the 
laser data are post-processed and corrected in terms of 
geometry, being represented in an orthogonal system. The 
satellite image has distortions caused by the perspective view 
and the inclination of the sensor in relation to the nadir. The 
study area lies within a flat region. Therefore, the effect of 
topography is minimal, but the effect of the height of the 
buildings is a serious problem. In order to compensate the 
relative displacement of the top of the buildings, a projective 
model was used, based on the height of each building, derived 
from the laser data. The result is a new image where the roof 
are shifted closer to the base of the building. 
2.3 Image Segmentation 
The segmentation step consists of the division of the image in 
uniform regions that correspond to the objects of interest, for 
example roofs, vegetation and streets. A region growing 
segmentation was used to obtain the elementary regions. This 
algorithm merges adjacent pixels that have similar spectral 
properties, forming regions that grow in an iterative process as 
similar regions are melted together. The result is a new image, 
where each pixel is labeled as member of only one region. The 
algorithm called “fractal net evolution approach” (Baatz and 
Schäpe 2000) avaliable in the eCognition software was used. 
The algorithm allows to guide the region growing, using à 
weighting function that controls the shape and spectral 
uniformity of the regions. This guided segmentation allows to 
improve region extraction, since the form of the elements 
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