Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

ere rar 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
interest of the area is focused on lens-shaped pyrrhotite 
stratabound massive deposits (iron caps), which appear on the 
surface as rust-colored oxidized minerals caused by the 
oxidation of iron sulphides. 
Metres Legend 
N ert Faults Basic intrusions 
! ge [] cuatemary alluvions EB Acidic intrusions 
=) EA Serie of Bou Gader a Pyrrhotite Stratabounds 
£ [| schist of Sarhlef 
n Maroc [777] Jebilet Occidentales 
— K* Kettera G — J.Ahmar 
B — S' Mahjoub — K*' Dalaa 
C - K" Ahril I - K* Mirouga 
D-GouresSefra |. J— K* Aicha 
E — J. Hadit K — K* Hamra 
F — Menaa el Kahla L — K? Bouzelfar 
Figure 1 — Simplified geological map of Central Jebilet 
(Huvelin, 1970) 
2.2. Data 
Two images were used in this study. First of all, the Landsat 
TM image was acquired on June 26" 1987 and the Quickbird 
image on February 26^ 2003. Both images were acquired over 
the same area and at the same solar time, thus have similar 
illumination characteristics. They also show low vegetation 
distribution, which is good for geological and lithological 
2.3. Pre-processing 
Various factors affect the signal measured at the sensor, such as 
drift of the sensor radiometric calibration, atmospheric and 
topographical effects. For accurate analysis, all of these 
corrections are necessary for remote sensing imagery. The 
images were corrected from atmospheric effects using the 
updated Herman transfer radiative code (H5S) adapted by 
Teillet and Santer (1991). H5S simulates the signal received at 
the top of the atmosphere from a surface reflecting solar and 
sky irradiance at sea level while considering terrain elevation 
and the sensor altitude (Teillet and Santer 1991). Radiometric 
corrections on TM were done with the TM post-calibration 
dynamics ranges and the solar exoatmospheric spectral 
irradiance values (Clark, 1986). The image distributors did 
radiometric corrections on the Quickbird image. Topographical 
effects were corrected on both images (orthorectification) using 
a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from a topographic 
map using a digitizing table and a geographic information 
system (GIS) tool. A 30 x 30 meter grid was created for TM 
and a 2.5 x 2.5 meter grid for Quickbird. 
2.4 Spectral Angle Mapper algorithm (SAM) 
The SAM is a classification method that permits rapid 
mapping by calculating the spectral similarity between the 
image spectrums to reference reflectance spectra (Yuhas ef al., 
1992: Kruse et al., 1995; Van der Meer er al., 1997; Crosta et 
al, 1998; De Carvalho and Meneses, 2000; Schwarz and 
Staenz, 2001; Hunter and Power, 2002). The reference spectra 
can either be taken from laboratory or field measurements or 
extracted directly from the image. SAM measures the spectral 
similarity by calculating the angle between the two spectra, 
treating them as vectors in n-dimensional space (Kruse et a/., 
1993; Van der Meer et al, 1997; Rowan and Mars., 2003). 
Small angles between the two spectrums indicate high 
similarity and high angles indicate low similarity. 
This method is not affected by solar illumination factors, 
because the angle between the two vectors is independent of the 
vectors length (Crosta et al., 1998; Kruse et al., 1993). It takes 
the arccosine of the dot product between the test spectrums "1" 
to a reference spectrum "7" with the following equation (Yuhas 
et al., 1992; Kruze et al., 1993; Van der Meer et al, 1997; De 
Carvalho and Meneses, 2000): 
Su (1) 
nb S bh nb ? 
Where nb = the number of bands 
t; = test spectrum 
r; = reference spectrum 
The main advantages of the SAM algorithm are that its an easy 
and rapid method for mapping the spectral similarity of image 
spectra to reference spectra. It is also a very powerful 
classification method because it represses the influence of 
shading effects to accentuate the target reflectance 
characteristics (De Carvalho and Meneses, 2000). The main 
disadvantage of this method is the spectral mixture problem. 
The most erroneous assumption made with SAM is the 
supposition that endmembers chosen to classify the image 
represent the pure spectra of a reference material. This problem 
generally occurs with medium spatial resolution images, such 
as Landsat TM. The surface of the Earth is complex and 
heterogeneous in many ways, thus having mixed pixels is 
incontestable. The spectral confusion in pixels can lead to 
underestimation and overestimation errors for a spectral class. 
In general, the spectral mixture problem should decrease with 
higher resolution images like Quickbird. But in some cases, it 
can also increase the mixture problem because more local 
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