Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Interne 
3. Results and Discussion When 
SAM a 
3.1 SAM for Landsat TM | endmeı 
27900 21] 0 274000 217000 22 Shi 2.5 7000 with th 
27 8000 231000 234000 237000 e TE = basic V 
8 o & E = = Ju basic n 
Re = 2 7 a fF 2 S 5 Mahjot 
ds a >, Ax : Menaa 
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| 2 + 2 Dalaa, 
5 2 K^ Bot 
p 2 the ider 
3 b ^ 8 ; 
8 | RB E = 2 iron ca] 
- 8 r il J ^ I = are rela 
£ ap | extend 
3 Ü V 8 : 6 mediun 
2 e e "e the sub 
£0 o - = problen 
H S the ba 
E D. e s ferroma 
8| Z Gi ib = similar : 
H T F. | 3 A = iron oxi 
E i j 22p000 231000 23.4000 237000 As sho 
27/8000 23000 234000 237000 T 4 7 i Sahrlef 
| compari 
: B ó 0.3 0,7 1 deposits 
A Ó 0.3 0.7 1 234000 sandy | 
27.2000 23000 234000 237000 i classific 
; 3 8 distribut 
B 5 5 Because 
= x S image v 
L shown 
Ro a t endmem 
g = 2 vegetati 
+ da S arid env 
f :. which is 
3 A R B J 2 3.2 SAN 
3 The SA 
2 d e importan 
5 E © 8 rock unit 
15 i z 3 not clear 
E e with TM 
2 s Ü a mineral : 
8 a S reflectan 
> 3 Quickbir 
278000 23000 234000 237000 e er E 
€ D - Output Legend oceur Su 
C © 6093 07 A L-K"B 
BM Unclassified TM, the 
Figure 4 — Figures 4a, b and c show the results for some of the Ens id jen oops s spread q 
endmembers “such as the basic intrusions, the acidic intrusions BM Acidic intrusions MVegetation Vegetatic 
; ? : Quaternary deposits  Schist of the ne 
and iron cap endmembers respectively. The colour ramp for : vesetatio 
these endmembers show the values of SAM which are equal or A ue 
lower than 0.15. Values near 0 (red colour) indicate high Aspect 
similarity between the endmember and image spectra. Figure 
4d, is the output classification map with all of the 8 

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