Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Combined, the above three metrics allow us to perform abstract 
comparisons of helixes. It should be mentioned again that 
during this stage of abstract comparisons we do not make use of 
information on the angular extent and magnitude of 
deformations, but save this information for the more detailed 
quantitative comparisons. 
The above three cost metrics are combined in an integrated 
index Sim, to express the similarity between a reference (H") 
and a matching candidate (H^) helix as: 
ay X COS Lelocity E a3 COS rotation +a 2 COS! deformation (1) 
Sim’ = : : 
: (number of nodes + number _of prongs) 
COSl,4,,;, are the cost metrics referring to table 1, 
aggregated over all nodes, 
COSl,,,;,,;, are the cost metrics referring to table 2, 
aggregated over all nodes, 
COS deformation are the cost metrics referring to table 3, 
aggregated over all prongs, 
ay, a, a4, are the corresponding relative weights for 
each component, with a,+a,+ag=1. 
In general, all types of MST cost metrics receive equal weight 
(ay = a, = ag = 1/3). It is possible for certain applications to put 
more emphasis on certain aspects than others (e.g. focusing on 
velocity variations more than rotations), and we can easily 
accommodate this by moditying the corresponding coefficients. 
The combined index Sim, ranges between 0 and 2, with 0 
corresponding to a perfect match and 2 reflecting the highest 
possible dissimilarity. Lower values reflect better matches to a 
reference helix, and this information is used to rank the 
matching candidates according to their similarity to a reference 
3.2 Quantitative Comparisons 
The other type of comparison is quantitative, with specific 
differences computed between the values of nodes and prongs. 
In this case, instead of a somewhat arbitrary value of "2" 
assigned to a pair of dissimilar nodes, the angle of acceleration 
and the angle of deceleration are compared by taking the 
absolute value of the difference between them. Similar 
differences are found between angles of rotation and the 
magnitudes of expansion or contraction. In this type of 
comparison, the following equation is utilized: 
Sim, =a,2(n! -—n? ta, 2 (p! -pl Yea $9.97) 
+a, (rl —/)+ a, > la -a/ ) 
where (ny-nd) expresses the Euclidean spatiotemporal 
distance among a reference and a corresponding 
candidate node, aggregated across all nodes, 
(p.-pJ) expresses the Euclidean spatiotemporal 
distance among a reference and a corresponding 
candidate prong, aggregated across all prongs, 
(9.-q.') expresses the difference in velocity gradient 
or rotation among corresponding nodes, aggregated 
across all nodes, 
(r,-rd) expresses the difference in deformation 
magnitude among corresponding prongs, aggregated 
across all prongs, 
(aj -aj) expresses the difference in deformation angle 
among corresponding prongs, aggregated across all 
An, Ap, Ag, A, A, are the corresponding relative weights 
for each component, with a,taprag tarta] 
We normalize all quantities by dividing their actual values by 
their range, so that in this case, a value of 1 is assigned to the 
most dissimilar pairs and a value of 0 is given to pairs that are 
exactly the same. Once a degree of similarity has been 
determined, whether by abstract or quantitative methods, we 
can decide whether these helixes belong in a group or should 
remain as separate entities. Papers on similarity that address 
relevant issues include (Stefanidis, Agouris et al. 2002; 
Vlachos, Gunopulos et al. 2002; Stefanidis, Eickhorst et al. 
If the helixes in question are sufficiently similar, then it may be 
useful to group them together into a single entity and to express 
the behavior of their component objects with an “aggregate 
helix.” The aggregate helix that is created could then be used 
for predictions about the future behavior of all polygons that 
begin in a similar way to the first few nodes and prongs of the 
aggregate (Figure 3). The user can sclect the level of similarity 
that must be reached in order to justify this decision, with more 
detailed applications needing helixes with comparison values 
approaching zero. 
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Figure 3: Aggregate helix as formed from individual helixes 
When sufficiently low values are found, node and prong 
locations of the individual helixes can be averaged so that the 
new aggregate helix is a composite of the original helixes. 
Attributes that are associated with each node and prong can be 
calculated in a variety of ways, including averaging all values 
for each instance, looking for minimum or maximum value, or 
using categorical rules in order to choose the best value for a 
given application. 
When dealing with the aggregate helix that has been 
constructed, there may be instances when component helixes 
become sufficiently different over time and should be split from 
each other. "We can discover such instances by computing 
deviations of node/prong values from the aggregate average and 
splitting the helixes when a user specified threshold is crossed. 

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