Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
(1) The population size N: it affects the validity of genetic 
algorithm, recommended it no more than 300. In this paper the 
domain of N is [30, 300]. 
(2) Crossover probability P ,: it controls the frequency of 
crossover operation. Generally it is between 0.25 and 0.85. In 
this paper it is between 0.6 and 0.8. 
(3) Mutation probability P ,,: it is the second factor in increasing 
the diversity of population. Generally P ,, is between 0.01 and 
0.2. This paper doesn't have to use this parameter. 
(4) Terminating number of generation: when population evolves 
over the specified largest evolution number of generation, 
terminate the evolvement course, so this parameter should 
guarantee the population has matured. There are two conditions 
to judge whether the population has matured: (1) through several 
operations, the approximate optimal individual can be gotten 
stably; (2) continue evolving, the optimal individual is not 
improved obviously again. 
The experiment of genetic algorithm scheme is composed with 
two parts of data. The first part is some random maps generated 
by the algorithm developed by ourselves; the second part is the 
actual topographic maps that includes three complete feature 
topographic maps from National Topographic Map Database of 
1:250000, among them every map is composed with nineteen 
layers including hydrogen, road, vegetation, boundary, and so on. 
The three topographic maps contain point residences 2511, 1651 
and 2734 respectively. 
From the evolvement experiment on the map containing 50-3000 
point features, we can find that in the iteration course, with the 
gradual increment of the fitness value of optimal individual, 
genetic algorithm becomes steady, this indicates the population 
has matured. The algorithm should be terminated after the 
population has matured. Usually the map with no more than 3000 
point features becomes matured within 300 generations. 
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Figure 5 the labeling result of H4810 using genetic algorithm 
The experiments also include the comparison of using genetic 
algorithm on maps with different complexities and the 
comparison of using genetic algorithm with different parameters 
on the same map. The experiments indicate that when processing 
the problems of different complexities with the same genetic 
parameters the results are different. When keeping certain 
population size, the increment of evolvement generations will 
increase the fitness of solution. But once reach certain degree, 
when the population is matured, the solution will not be made 
better. If the evolvement generations are very few, the simple 
increment of population size is not very useful to improve the 
The experiments include the experiment on three actual 
topographic maps which belong to the problems of moderate 
difficulty. Genetic algorithm can eliminate nearly all the conflicts 
(only 1 or 2 are not eliminated) in 20~30 seconds. Figure 5 is a 
part of the labeling result of H4810 (2511 point features). 
In order to verify the performance of genetic algorithm 
introduced in this paper, we compare genetic algorithm with 
simple random algorithm, hill climbing algorithm, simulated 
annealing and neural network algorithm. 
The simple random algorithm is one of the simplest algorithms. 
It specifies randomly a labeling position for every point feature, 
but not implement any optimization, it's algorithm quality is the 
lowest limit of labeling quality. 
Hill climbing algorithm is a kind of simple local optimization 
algorithms. It begins from an initial solution of randomly given 
labeling placement (or be calculated by other methods or be 
specified directly), search the n adjacent new solutions generated 
randomly from the current solution, and select the optimal 
solution and continue searching in new solutions until the 
solution can't be improved again. In order to guarantee the 
comparability, we set up the numbers of iterations as 200-300 
generations in experiments, namely let the program start to 
search in 200~30 different initial solutions, and search thirty 
adjacent strings every iteration. 
Christensen and his fellows have put forward a kind of point 
feature labeling algorithm based on simulated annealing. 
Simulated annealing algorithm is a kind of simple global 
searching algorithm, and it is the improved hill climbing 
algorithm, which adopts randomly relocating in labeling, but 
allows the “degenerated solution” with certain probability in 
order to jump out the local minimum. About the kernel algorithm 
please refer to [Christensen, 1995]. Christensen has proved 
simulated annealing algorithm possesss a lot of performance 
superior to traditional algorithms. The simulated annealing in this 
paper adopts the processing flow and parameters in Christensen’s 
work. In order to guarantee the comparability, we set up the 
number of iterations as 200~300. 
Neural network algorithm adopts the model put forward by Fan 
Hong and Zhang Zuxun [Fan Hong, Zhang Zuxun, 1997], after 
setting up the neural network of solving point labeling problem, 
let the network run iteratively, the running result is regarded as 
the labeling placement. In order to guarantee the comparability, 
we also set up the number of iterations as 200~300. 
The experimented data is a group of point maps generated 
randomly. The experiment methods are carried on based on the 
same data background and subsidiary data conditions. Before 
using algorithms we have set up the same conflict detection table 
and overlap detection table. 
The experiment compares the labeling qualities of different 
algorithms mainly. In order to compare conveniently, all 
consider the four-position labeling problem of point feature, and 
consider the following two optimization targets: (1) only 

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