Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 | Interne 
Aerial photographs in 1:16.000 scale have also been taken by 
GCM on August 29", 2002 as five strips (figure 2). Various ortophotos have been produced from aerial photograph, Consic 
IKONOS and QUICKBIRD images with; | conl, 
Stereo-pair IKONOS (dated August 4^. 2002) and mono 
QUICKBIRD (dated 26° May, 2002) images covering test area e photogrammetric DEM | Ji pM 
have been provided by Inta Uzay Sis.A.S (Turkey) and e  cartographic DEM eH T 
Eurimage (Italy) free of charge. e with/without ground control points and sn 
e polynomial constants (rpc file) | quality 
". : | scale t 
Well-distributed 27 check-points (Figure 4) such as junction of considi 
roads, field corners have been defined and planimetric | scale c 
coordinates were measured on all orthoimages. GPS | specifi 
measurements of check points and calculations of orthometric | . 
heights have also been implemented. | Quickt 
| need tc 
| e 
Figure 2. Photogrammetric block 
Digital Aerial triangulation measurements and combined block 
adjustment has been implemented by using 1:16.000 scale aerial 
photographs. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) in Xm. Figure 4. Check point | 
accuracy have been produced by manually collected data in : | 
20m. interval. Another DEM in +5m. accuracy has also been 
produced by means of cartographic method from 1:25.000 scale 
topographic map. 
Ground coordinates of Check Points which have +1.5 cm. 
planimetric and +3.0 cm. vertical accuracy are compared with | 
orthophoto coordinates. Following table shows the overall | 
results. | 
RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) x,y | 
meter | 
7 Control Point 
Bi 0.82 - 1.24 0.88 - 0.82 | 
Photogrametric | 
DEM | 
7 Control Point 
and Cartographic 0.86 - 1.41 0.94 - 0.86 | 
DEM | 
GCP's from 
1:25.000 raster 
map and 6.79 - 6.56 5.20 - 3.50 | 
Constants and 12.27 - 11.06 40.55 ~ 13.52 
ITE i. ar b 
Figure 3. GCP's and check points 
Table 1. Obtained results 
3-D coordinates of checkpoints in stereo model of IKONOS arc 
also compared with orthometric heights and r.m.s.e is x 1.18m. 

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