International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
airphotos, in order to detect mixed pixels or spectral
signature confusions. Finally, a confusion matrix was
computed. The correspondence between interpreted
orthophotos and maximum likelihood classification has
been performed for each sampling point. The
percentage of coincidence between 'ground data' and
classified IKONOS image can be measured either as the
number of coinciding points derived from the sum of
the confusion matrix principal diagonal versus total
number of points (1286) or with Kappa
coefficient. Taking into account the results obtained
through photo-interpretation results, the legend is
improved, new training zones are defined (with their
area in proportion with the occurrence of the class),
then a new classification is performed (Fig. 4).
2.5 Discussion of Results
The 1286 plots were interpreted on the
orthophotos, using the 12 items of the classified
IKONOS imagery. There was a problem of
interpreting *Broad-leaved forest under smoke?
(class 4) versus *Broad-leaved forest'(class 3) and
‘Phrygana under smoke’(class 6) versus Phrygana
(class 5) since the air-photographs were acquired
before the forest fire while the IKONOS imagery
was acquired after the fire. We decided not to use
the classes 4 and 6 (classes 4 & 3 were merged
under the label 3, and classes 6 & 5 were merged
and labelled 5).Another classical problem was related
to the refinery area, which is a restricted zone. The
Hellenic Military Geographical Service erased this area
from airphotos. Pixels belonging to each class on
IKONOS image were compared with the air photos in
order to detect mixed pixels or spectral signature
confusions. The number of well classified points versus
the total number of points is 752 out of 1286, giving an
agreement of 59%. Kappa coefficient is K = 0.471.
The training areas have been revised, taking into
account the general remarks on confusions between
some classes (see previous paragraph) as well as
orthophotos interpretation on the sample points. The
revised legend is the following : 1.Pine Forest (Pinus
halepensis), 2.Dense Forest (Q.coccifera/Phyllirea
media), 3.Broadleaved Forest/Bush (Arbutus Erica),
4.Broadleaved Forest/Bush (Arbutus/Erica) under
smoke, S.Phrygana, 6.Phrygana under smoke,
7.Firescars, 8.Crops,orchards, 9.Bare soils (croplands,
tracks, rocks), 10.Highway, plant, buildings, 11. Water,
I2.Shadow The result were shown on the classified
image.It has to be noticed that classes 10 and 11
(* Highway‘ and “ Plant, buildings *) were finally
merged; class 6 (* Phrygana under smoke) is often
classified as * Phrygana * (class 5), as the light smoke
plume does not strongly influence the Phrygana spectral
response ; class 12 (* Water *) is unclassified because a
mask had been previously applied on sea; some
confusions remain with shadows (class 13). Finally, the
number of well classified pixels versus total number of
pixels is 263 982 out of 329 900, giving an accuracy of
80.02% ; overall Kappa coefficient is K=0.6609.
Considering that classes “ Water “ and ‘ Unclassified ‘
may be merged due to the mask, the agreement
becomes 88.12%.
The groundtruthing reliability depends on the correct
location of the sampling points. Provide orthophotos on
a convenient scale are available, time and cost can be
saved by using these data in place of field work. In the
given example, the classification accuracy was
noticiably improved (59% to 88%) by this method. The
resulting classified image of this 5km x 5km area gives
a realistic view of the vegetation conditions in the
Greek mediterranean coast. In the surroundings of an
important port served by a highway all along the coast,
there are many settlements with accompanying
croplands. The pine forest on the lower slopes is widely
moth-eaten by new settlements. Behind, the bush with
Arbutus and Ericaceae members has been degraded and
replaced by a low discontinuous phrygana. The impact
of fire is conspicuous on this scene. In the upper zone
only, on the Yerania slopes, the bush is still present, as
well as the Quercus coccifera forest, above 200m
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