Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1. Summary structural map of the South Caspian Basin, 
Jackson et al., 2002. 
Central morphological element of the peninsula is Chochrak 
Ridge, which reaches 92 metres above sea level (119 metres 
above Caspian Sea level) and is ranged from NE to SW. The 
ridge is formed by Middle and Upper Pliocene series — “Red 
Series" — nowadays crossed by hundreds of deep erosion 
gullies, some of those drain brines out of sand-argillaceous 
Pliocene beds (Dvorov, 1975). Lower Pliocene layers do not 
achieve the surface and thus can not be studied using remote 
sensing. The rest of peninsula is formed of Quarternary 
sediments of Akchagyl, Absheron, Baku, Khazar and Chvalin 
stages (fig. 2). 
Figure 2. Geological schema of Cheleken (according to 
A.S.Arhipthenko, 1956); red series (white area in the centre) are 
surrounded by other beds. 
Chochrak Ridge is semicircular surrounded by solonchaks — 
small muddy areas, which especially southwards acquires the 
largest size. Solonchaks are formed as a result of extensive 
brines activity linked with faulting of Pliocene rocks and with 
erosion of Chochrak Ridge. These processes allow brines reach 
the surface and thus change the surface rocks. 
The other phenomenon linked with faulting is presence of mud 
volcanism. Three volcanoes of different age occurs in the area: 
remains of Upper Pliocene or Post-Pliocene mud volcano Aligul 
are situated on the SE slope of Chochrak, in the western part of 
the peninsula, approximately 2 kilometres of Caspian shoreline, 
is situated active mud volcano of Zapadnyj Porsugel. Its mud- 
flows are discharged south and northwards of the crater. In the 
NE of Chochrak can be found lake of Rozovyj Porsugel — 
former mud volcano crater flooded by water. 
During Post-Pliocene times have been formed numerous 
marine-built terraces, which describe sea-levels of Chvalinsk 
Sea. Second and third Chvalinsk terrace is sloped to NNW due 
to Post-Chvalinsk uplift of Cheleken anticline formation. 
1.3 ASTER instrument 
The ASTER sensor was launched in December 1999 on board 
the Earth Observation System (EOS) US Terra satellite to 
record solar radiation in 14 spectral bands (fig. 3.). ASTER 
measures reflected radiation in three bands between 0.52 and 
0.86 um (Visible and Near Infrared - VNIR) and in six bands 
from 1.6 to 2.43 um (Shortwave Infrared - SWIR), with 15- 
respectively 30- metres spatial resolution. Furthermore, ASTER 
also has a back-looking VNIR telescope with 15-m resolution. 
Thus, stereoscopic VNIR images can be acquired at 15-m 
resolution. In addition, emitted radiation measured at 90-m 
resolution in five bands in the 8.125-11.65 um wavelength 
region (Thermal Infrared - TIR). The swath width is 60 km, but 
ASTER's pointing capability extends the total cross-track 
viewing capability to 232 km. A very important aspect of the 
EOS Program is the open availability of the data from all the 
instruments including on-demand standard products in the low 
costs. ASTER standard products include VNIR and SWIR 
surface radiance and reflectance, brightness temperature at the 
sensor, TIR surface radiance and emissivity, surface kinetic 
temperature, decorrelation-stretch images and digital-elevation 
models (DEM ). 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA has already in 1995 carried 
out the prospective capability of ASTER sensor using simulated 
data from AVIRIS airborne sensor [2]. Conclusions of the study 
has shown that VNIR data are sensitive to the presence of iron 
oxide minerals; the SWIR data highlight the presence and 
differences of minerals with hydroxyl radicals and carbonates, 
such as clays, alunite, and limestone; the TIR data are sensitive 
to differences in silica-bearing rocks, either in the presence of 
or in the absence of the other mineral constituents. 
| Landsat 7 
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 24 8.0 10.0 12.0 
Thermal ER 
Visible Near ER Short Wave IR 
Wavelength (um) 
Figure 3. Comparison of ASTER and LANDSAT ETM+ 
spectral resolution. 
Several studies have been published during 2001 (Hewson, 
2001) respectively 2003 (Rowan, 2003) on ASTER data 
evaluation in test sites. Both studies compare precisely 
geological mapped (by field survey and airborne hyperspectral 
or multispectral sensors as AVIRIS, AMS-HyMap, Hyperion 
etc.) areas to test ability of use of ASTER imagery. 
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