Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

it 7 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Used Data 
We have used on-demand product ASTER Surface Reflectance 
(AST 07) from the EROS Data Center (EDC), which contains 
surface reflectance for each of the nine VNIR and SWIR bands 
at 15-m and 30-m resolutions, respectively. The results are 
obtained by applying an atmospheric correction to radiances 
reported by the ASTER sensor. The atmospheric correction 
removes effects due to changes in satellite-sun geometry and 
atmospheric conditions. The atmospheric correction algorithm 
is applied to clear-sky pixels only and the results are reported as 
a number between 0 and 1 (Abrams, ASTER User Handbook). 
As additional information for support the ASTER Digital 
Elevation Model has been used. 
2.2 Workflow of Study 
The processing of ASTER Surface Reflectance data (AST 07) 
consists of four steps. In the first stage all remotely sensed data 
were geometrically pre-processed (so as to have the same 
geodetic reference). In the second stage, the different false color 
composite images and image enhancement techniques were 
applied to the data and geological photo interpretation was 
carried out. In the third stage, different band ratio techniques 
were applied to the data and finally, in the fourth stage, the 
spectral mapping techniques (as Matched Filtering, ENVI 
software technique and Variable Multiple Spectral Mixture 
Analysis, Garcia-Haro — 2001) in order to map different mineral 
groups were accomplished. 
However Russian authors discuss in detail geochemical 
characteristics, the information about geospatial distribution of 
phenomena is insufficient and can be just supposed (no 
geographic information as maps or coordinates is mentioned). 
This fact does not allow us to get precise knowledge of the area 
and thus to link spatially maps in Dvorov, 1975 or Lebedev, 
1983 with satellite imagery. 
2.3 Image Interpretation 
Different band combinations have been tested to provide best 
image interpretation using false-colour composite image. Other 
RS techniques (contrast stretches, histogram equalization, 
image transformations) was applied for image enhancement 
before interpretation. 
Following false-colour composite images has been used to carry 
out interpretation of study area: 
e 321 false-colour composite to obtain the best spatial 
resolution images and to get basic information about 
vegetation across the area 
e 631 false-colour composite has showed the most clear 
differences in the geological and geographical information 
mentioned in the literature 
Bands 321 false-colour composite is commonly used in order to 
highlight the presence of vegetation, which appears in red 
shades whereas the other land cover types are decreased. In the 
ASTER imagery can be used 321 bands instead of Landsat 432 
bands. The whole area is shown in brown shades except the 
small areas close to settlements (Cheleken City and unknown 
village) which are most likely irrigated gardens. The rest of 
peninsula should be avoid of vegetation or sparsely covered. 
Bands 631 false-colour composite has proven to be the most 
worthwhile for mapping of geological phenomena. Roughly, the 
area is divided into three parts. The north part represents flat 
plain covered by eolic sand covers (dunes) appearing light 
yellow or red-brown, the central part (fig. 4) is formed by 
various types of phenomena — Red Series — shown in light 
yellow and highly disrupted by system of erosion gullies; mud 
volcanoes shown in pink colour (situated in the neighbourhood 
of Red Series — Aligul respectively Rozovyj Porsugel, and in 
the W part of image (Zapadnyj Porsugel); solonchaks are 
situated mostly along fault on the SE slope of Chochrak Ridge 
and between Aligul and Zapadnyj Porsugel or as a result of 
recent volcanic activity of Zapadnyj Porsugel mud volcano. The 
brines affected areas appears from dark green to dark brown 
shades. Man affected areas NW from Chochrak, which 
surrounds rectangular reservoirs and appear in dark grey or 
black. The south part represents flat plain gently sloped towards 
South Cheleken Bay. Most of the area appears in light blue, 
cyan or white colours, in some areas disrupted by solonchaks 
(dark green shades). 
Figure 4. Bands 631 colour composite approved best 
capability to map geological phenomena across whole 
peninsula. Red series appear as triangle in the centre, mud 
volcano deposits appear as pink areas westwards (Aligul) and 
eastwards (Rozovyj Porsugel) from Red series. 
2.4 Band Rationing 
Ratio images designed to display the spectral contrast of 
specific absorption features have been used extensively in 
geologic remote sensing and vegetation mapping. 
ASTER band 1 / band 2 ratio image. Ratio of these 
wavelengths has been successfully used by Segal, 1989, who 
have used Landsat TM bands 3/2 ratio to map iron-bearing 
rocks in Lisbon Valley, Utah. According to Hunt, 1977, ferric- 
iron (Fe’") rich rocks exhibit a sharp fall-off in reflectance 
approximately from 0.8 micrometers to shorter wavelengths, 
thus ferric-iron rich exposures exhibit very low ASTER band 1/ 
band 2 values. 
When band rationing has been applied to Cheleken data, the 
lowest band ratio values clearly represent Red Series situated in 
the middle of the scene and confirms supposition, that red- 
colouring of beds is caused by higher iron content of rock 
layers. Besides the Red Series, low ratio values appear in some 
areas of the North Plain located most likely at summits of sand 
dunes, which are one of landscape-forming feature mentioned 
by Dvorov, 1975. 
The newest studies of geochemical characteristics of Holocene 
sediments in the Aral Sea region have found out significant 
difference between Syr Darya and Amu Darya sediments. The 

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