Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Table 2. Results of different image rectification methods on Photo 10063 (Great Smoky Mountains: Thunderhead Mountain Quadrangle). 
Area of Target 
Rectification Method # GCPs RMSE (pix) RMSE (m) Polygon (ha) Difference 
DOQQ (Reference Image) N/A N/A N/A 5.97 -- 
Affine Polynomial 14 106.3 53.1 8.34 40% 
Single Photo Projective 14 3.34 1.67 7.90 32% 
Orthocorrection 14 3.34 1.67 5.98 0.2% 
Figure 4a. 
polynomial rectification. Polygons in the completed vegetation 
Portion of Photo 10063 resulting from the 
coverage are shown in green. The sample polygon in the lower 
right portion of the photo (indicated by the black arrow) has an 
area of 5.97 ha according to the GIS database but 8.34 ha when 
measured directly from the image. 
and the USGS DEM. 
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Figure 4b. Photo 10063 rectified using the single photo 
projective transformation. In this image, the contour 
representing the datum elevation of 1380 m employed for the 
rectification is shown in yellow. 
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DOQOQ corresponding to the 
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Figure 4d. A portion of the USGS 
area covered by Photo 10063. 

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