Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Experience with mapping vegetation communities in national 
parks units in the southeastern United States has led to the 
development of streamlined methods for the extension of 
ground control in remote areas using softcopy photogrammetry 
and analytical aerotriangulation techniques. Basic ground 
control extracted from standard USGS digital orthophoto 
quarterquads (DOQQs) and digital elevation models (DEMs) 
provide the framework with which a large number of aerial 
photographs of areas that have nearly continuous tree canopy 
cover can be controlled. Although a number of rectification 
methods are available, it was found that for areas of high relief, KE 
overlays delineating vegetation polygons are more accurately 
transferred to a GIS database if they are first orthocorrected 
using photogrammetric differential rectification techniques. ABS 
This method improves not only positional accuracy but also 
ease of editing and edge matching polygons from adjacent The 
photographs. In a test polygon, area calculation was in error by sens 
as much as 40% when simple polynomial rectification was stan 
performed on an area with very high relief. high 
it 1s 
Jordan, T.R., 2002. Softcopy Photogrammetric Techniques for esse 
Mapping Mountainous Terrain: Great Smoky Mountains inde 
National Park. Doctoral Dissertation, The University of expl 
Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 193 pp. que: 
Madden, M., 2004. Vegetation Modeling, Analysis and 
Visualization in U.S. National Parks and Historical Sites. 
Archives of the ISPRS 20" Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, July 12- 
23, 2004 (in press). A s 
Novak, K., 1992. Rectification of Digital Imagery, obje 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 58(3): 339- used 
344. mod 
R-WEL, Inc., 2004. DMS Softcopy 5.0 Users Guide, Athens, use 
GA, USA, 191 pp. Clas 
are | 
Stevens, M., 2002. AeroSys for Windows Users Manual, St. the | 
Paul, Minnesota, 207 pp. mod 
Welch, R. and T.R. Jordan, 1996. Using Scanned Air ther 
Photographs. In Raster Imagery in Geographic Information grid 
Systems, (S. Morain and S.L. Baros, eds), Onward Press, pp. sène 
55-69. para 
! proc 
Welch, R., M. Madden and T. Jordan, 2002. Photogrammetric oc 
and GIS techniques for the development of vegetation Cape 
databases of mountainous areas: Great Smoky Mountains i 
National Park, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote i and 
Sensing, 57(1-2): 53-68. REM 
of | 

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