Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
supports levels of detail aligned with the levels in geoindex. As 
an example; the original application and reason for developing 
geoindex is global terrain representation. The main concepts 
have been presented in (Kolar 2004). 
2.5 Implementation 
An implementation of the presented indexing method has been 
made using Java in a single class. Distribution of centroids 
given a division coefficient has been coded as a method as well 
as obtaining proximity cell for a point on a given level. In order 
to facilitate the application following methods were added: 
method for encoding and decoding centroid coordinates into 
unique identifiers; method for computing vertices of the cell; 
and method for obtaining neighboring cells. 
The implementation has been made using double numeric 
precision. (64-bit float number). This limits the division 
coefficient to be at most equal to 1073741823. Using this 
division coefficient would mark cells on the Earth surface with 
extent of approximately two centimeters. 
As storage PostgreSQL has been used. PostgreSQL is an open 
source object-relational DBMS. For creation and management 
of the indexing data structures has been used B+-tree provided 
by PostgreSQL. Communication with the database has been 
made through JDBC. 
The data used where GTOPO30 datasets that is freely available 
as global DTM. For sake of providing notion of performance 
time measurements from processing 28800000 points (GTOPO 
tile) are provided. Measurements were made with the prototype 
implementation and PostgeSQL running on 2.5GHz Xeon 
machine with IGB RAM. 
Processing the points using geoindex and storing them in 
PostgreSQL lasts 58 minutes and 28 seconds. Building an index 
in PostgreSQL using B+-tree and vacuum analyze take 14 
minutes and 52 seconds. Note that in the first measurement also 
other processing than using geoindex is included, e.g. parsing 
and coordinate transformation. These results are assumed only 
for better imagination. 
This article overviewed the main concepts of geographic 
indexing---a new spatial indexing technique using global grids. 
Global grids provide a uniform approach to "divide and 
conquer” manner for management of geographic data. 
Geoindex is a generally applicable indexing method that could 
be applied globally with a possibility to index with virtually 
arbitrary spatial resolution. 
The used global grid is based on Voronoi tessellation. This is 
based on a simple algorithm for distributing semi-regular cells 
around the origin that has been also described. Cells that are 
used for indexing are defined algorithmically. Hence, in order 
to use geoindex there is no need to instantiate any cells, e.g., to 
store any data about them in the memory or on a storage device. 
Geoindex can be seen as a spatial extension for indexing 
techniques used by ordinary RDBMS. The spatial division and 
mapping to the identifiers can be done by geoindex as a 
separate process while the actual search tree, e.g., B--tree, is 
constructed and maintained inside RDBMS, where our data can 
be stored. This provides many possibilities for use with existing 
Although recursive division of the global grid is impossible, the 
algorithmic definition and distribution of the cells allows 
dealing with multiple levels of the grid. Regardless number of 
levels geoindex performs search for the proximity cell in 
constant time. 
Geoindex can be applied to any 3D spatial data or 2D data on 
surface of the spheroid. However, it has been designed for 
spatial data distributed in 3D around certain central point, e.g., 
spatial data on or near to the surface of celestial bodies, e.g. 
Strong feature of geoindex is complete elimination of 
cartographic projection. When using geoindex together with 3D 
graphics enabled application there is no need to enforce 
presentation in map plane. This provides a significant 
simplification of the process between geographic data 
acquisition and exploitation/consumption of the data. Also 
underlying deviations common for all cartographic projections 
can be avoided consequently. 
A disadvantage of presented mechanism is its application with 
rasters, which would be a complex task. This is due to the 
variations in the shape of the division scheme provided by 
geoindex. This “unfortunate” characteristic does not allow a 
straightforward alignment with strictly given spatial structure of 
raster data. This fact leaves geoindex suitable mainly for vector 
spatial data. Another disadvantage is that the scheme cannot be 
divided recursively, although this is de facto compensated by 
introducing the concept of levels. 
In future work the focus will be given to definitions for more 
queries that can efficiently exploit the indexing approach. 
Along with queries the main concern is to elaborate specific 
applications of geoindex for various data representations of 
geographic features. Of particular interest is representation of 
the terrain and representation of linear features e.g. roads or 
rivers. Also application to rasters would deserve more 
substantial research. 
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D. and Oosterom, van P., Springer-Verlag, 339-350. 
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tesselation. In: Proceedings of Ninth International Symposium 
on Automated Cartography (Auto-Carto 9), Bethesda, MD, 
USA, pp. 462-471. 
Kolar, J. 2004. Representation of geographic terrain surface 
using global indexing. In: Proceedings of Twelfth International 
Conference on Geoinformatics. Gavle, SWE. 
Lukatela, H., 1987. Hipparchus geopositioning model: an 
overview. In: Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium 
on Automated Cartography (Auto-Carto 8), Baltimore, USA. 
Oosterom, van P. and Vijlbrief, T., 1996. The spatial location 
code. In: The Seventh International Symposium on Spatial Data 
Handling. Delft, the Netherlands. 

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