Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
I. The detection of the features was easy than 35K 
stereo models, 
2. The intensity of the data made difficult working in the 
existing software and hardware. € 
The following results were obtained from the comparison of 
25K stereo compilation against 35K stereo compilation: 
l. The compilation time increased owing to the 
excessive amount of details detected, 
There were some confusion between narrow electric 
lines and telephone lines, 
3. Nearly all the details that cannot be seen in 35K could 
be seen, i.e. tracks, paths, narrow roads, telephone 
KEY \ 
First Second | Second The lat 
Map Map Map Map observ: 
(35K) (25K) involve 
Hardness 5 4 4 the Ra 
Degree a geopos 
Production control 
Criteria 48 80 elimina 
(hour/map) geopos 
Stereo a semi- 
Editing 20 45 72 QuickE 
2 matchii 
Orthophoto 35 - 68 
Ori ug ei 
= Since | 
Table 1. The results obtained from the methods resoluti 
the apy 
It was seen in the project that it is less time consuming to remote 
produce maps by editing the existing features on stereo models. and dis 
But the features collected cartographically have some errors substan 
nearly | mm (it means 25 meters in 25K). So the problems will monito: 
be carried to the future by editing them with this error. process 
Less time consuming editing by using orthophotos method will has ope 
cause some mistakes and missing details due to the lack of 3" ms P 
dimension. It also has some errors originating from digital p foto 
elevation models that are not up-to-date. If the features of 25K app 
scale maps are collected properly from the stereo models, then Space 
the next revision will be very effective by editing on the differer 
orthophotos. accurae 
stereo | 
by Digi 
three ty 
basic, s 

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