Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
normalized correlation coefficients was performed in the raw 
images. Based on ESRI ArcObjects and Microsoft.Net Cf 
programming language, a shoreline extraction system was 
developed to aid in shoreline digitizing, point matching, 3D 
coordinate calculating, and result checking. 3-D coordinates of 
the shoreline can be calculated from the matched image points in 
the stereo images using RFCs supplied by the vendor (Li et al., 
2003). The refinement of the calculated coordinates was done by 
applying a translation model in the object space as discussed 
above. A transformation was carried out to convert the geographic 
coordinates (latitude, longitude) into State Plane coordinates. 
Figure 3 shows the calculated shoreline from the QuickBird 
panchromatic stereo images along with the orthophoto generated 
automatically using the OrthoBase module of ERDAS Imagine 
8.6. It can be seen that the semiautomatic result fits very well with 
the orthophoto. 
This paper presents the experimental results of a study on 
accuracy improvement of ground points determined by IKONOS 
and QuickBird images using GCPs and different transformation 
models in both object and image spaces. Different methods and 
GCP distribution patterns are tested. Complete tables of 
computational results are given for discussion as well as 
supplying the reader with information for their own analysis. As 
an application of the method, a 3-D shoreline was extracted from 
QuickBird panchromatic stereo images. We can draw the 
following conclusions based on the above experimental results. 
In general, there are no significant differences in the results from 
using the different models in the object or image space, although 
the affine and higher-order polynomial models in the image space 
require fewer GCPs than the models in object space. The models 
are generally more stable in the image space, considering the 
maximum differences observed. The quality of the IKONOS and 
QuickBird images is excellent. Using a simple translation model 
and one GCP we can correct the majority of errors and achieve a 
good result. It is recommended that a scale and translation model 
or an affine model with four to six well-distributed GCPs be used 
to achieve a high level of accuracy. These methods seem to be 
most practical for use in mapping applications. 
The objects chosen in this study are general image features such 
as road intersections, building corners, and other objects 
distinguished in the coastal area. The precision of the image point 
measurement is about one-half to one pixel. The accuracy 
improvement method was then applied to 3D shoreline extraction. 
The derived 3D shoreline from QuickBird stereo images reached 
a ground accuracy of about 0.65 meters, which is well beyond the 
accuracy of the NOAA/NGS 1:5,000 scale T-Sheets and the 
USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. Shorelines thus derived 
can be used in a variety of coastal applications. 
This research is supported by the Digital Government Program of 
the U.S. National Science Foundation. 
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